Saturday, January 10, 2009

We thought we could get away with it.....

Well, yesterday was a busy day. We took the girls to their therapy session to find out how they were progressing developmentally. For each area, (physical, occupational, and speech) the girls rated about normal for their adjusted age. They gave us some exercises and activities that we can do to help the girls. It was a good session.

Next, we took the girls to the NICU to see the nurses that took care of them. I love going there because they always say our girls look so big. It's the only place we can go that we hear that. After that, we went to the Grapevine botanical gardens and walked around. It was such a beautiful day.

We then came home and fed the girls. Gracie has been having diarrhea lately because of the meds for her ear infection. Because of that, she has been getting a diaper rash that's started looking yucky. Anyway, I thought it was looking really bad and didn't want it to get worse. When she came home from the NICU she had a really bad one. So, we had to go see Dr. Jim. We thought we could go a week without going to the doctor, but it never works that way.

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