Monday, June 29, 2009


I think I am officially done nursing the girls. For the last week, I've been trying to transition them both to all bottles. Because of their prematurity, they won't go on whole milk until they are 14 months old (12 months adjusted). I stopped nursing Gracie a week ago because she kept getting frustrated and biting me. So, I just nursed Lizzie.

Nursing twins has been both good and exhausting. When the girls were first born, I had to pump and then it was fortified and fed to them through a tube. They didn't get a bottle until they were about three weeks old. While they were in the NICU, I tried a couple of times to actually nurse Lizzie (Gracie wasn't ready). It was really embarrassing because all that was between me and about 10 other people was a curtain. Not quite what I had envisioned. Wes and I decided that I would keep pumping and wait until the girls were home before we really tried to nurse.

The girls were finally home and I was able to feed each about once a day because they still needed the fortified milk. The doctor we were going to at the time was not a big proponent of breast feeding and when the girls weren't gaining weight like she wanted, she wanted them to go off breast milk completely and go back to all formula. We decided she was crazy and switched doctors. The new doctor said he saw no reason to not be completely on breast milk. So, I started tandem feeding the girls when I was home and pumping when at work. Feeding them at the same time saved so much time because they would take about 20-30 minutes to eat. We slowly got it down to 5 minutes.

All this to say that I only thought I would last 6 months at the most and I lasted a year.

P.S. I forgot to mention the 6 months that I couldn't have any dairy because of the girls milk protein allergy.


Amanda said...

Wow! That's incredible!! Tandem nursing for a year is remarkable. I nursed my Gracie for a year (of course, she was a singleton), and our nursing experience was such a challenge. (I think primarily because we had the Oklahoma version of your very unsupportive pediatrician -- and we didn't change doctors.) I'm hoping I have an easier time with our baby to come...

EricAndErica said...

HIGH FIVE for making it to a year! That is so awesome!!! :)

Cheryl said...

This is so encouraging to me! I am hoping to make it 9 months. 3 of those months I will be working and pumping at work which I am hoping goes well. It's good to hear of someone who made it work for them. Glad the girls did well.