Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Wes!

Today is Wes's birthday so I decided to dedicate this post to him. I want to share what a wonderful husband, dad, and person he is. He was recently laid off and has been spending his days looking for a job and watching the girls. It hasn't been easy for him but he has taken it with a good attitude and takes the best care of the girls. Not all fathers get a chance to do what Wes is doing.


Stephanie Washington said...

Wow, dads of twins get a special day? Awesome - I hope it's a great one during which Melissa changes all diapers, makes all bottles, and handles all minor emergencies -- and takes the overnight shift!! Happy Birthday!

prisseyprim said...

As Wes's Mom, I want to say how proud of him I am. Not many Dad's get the opportunity to take care of their girls this way and to know it is just as hard for a stay at home Mom as for a out of home working Dad. Cherish these times they are gone so fast. God has a purpose for everything. Melissa I love you too!! Take care of each other. It was a match made in heaven. Mom