Monday, December 6, 2010

A Little Break

Last week, the girls spent the entire week with Grandma and Papa. We left them on Sunday after Thanksgiving and then picked them up Saturday. We met half way to pick them up.

The girls had a blast while in Oklahoma. My sister and her kids would visit daily to "help" out. The girls were spoiled rotten. Now, they think they are too big for high chairs or bibs. Thanks Grandma! My aunt and uncle from Tulsa even made the drive to see the girls. They also got to visit Aunt Betty and go to movie night at her house with the big kids.

What did Wes and I do while they were gone? Absolutely nothing! Wes had to work, but I got to sleep in everyday, shop and craft. It was wonderful. I did meet Karla for lunch one day and shopped with Amy another. This was the first time that the girls and I had been apart since I was pregnant and they were born (not counting NICU time but that's different). It was a needed break but I missed them a lot. I got a little sad on Thursday because I missed them so much.

The girls came back taller and with longer hair! We felt like they had grown a foot! They seemed like they had changed so much and were big girls. They have more words and are now saying stuff like their Grandma and Papa. Gracie now says "hi guys", which is something my dad has always said. They tell me that they miss everyone everyday but they seem happy to be home with us and all their stuff. I think they got a little home sick too.

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