Friday, March 11, 2011


Waiting is one of the things that I am not good at doing. I'm not patient and I don't like the unknown, but the last 3 weeks has been full of waiting. My dad is waiting on the results of some medical tests. With each new test, comes a period of waiting. It's hard. I just have to keep praying and waiting. Hopefully soon, we will have answers and know what course of action we need to take.

Sometimes, God puts people in your life to make the waiting easier. In my case, its been getting back to yoga and connecting to an inner peace and its been some pretty awesome friends and my church that remind me what praying and God are really about.

We still have another week of waiting, but I know that my faith will help me through.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Praying for you! we must get together soon!