Thursday, April 12, 2012

Comparisons Spring 2009 to Spring 2012

Each spring, I am reminded my babies are closer to another birthday. Because the girls were so premature, spring was the time we were able to breath a little easier with less illness going around. We tried until that time to minimize the amount of time that girls were really in public. 

Anyway, we've recenty done a couple of things to remind me of that time three years ago when the girls were about 10 months old. First was the butterfly chair at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. The first time, the girls were so little that I had to hold them. The other was our annual bluebonnet picture. This year we took the pictures in the same location as we did three years ago.

The butterfly chair - Gracie on the left and Lizzie on the right
Sweet little babies. Lizzie on the left and Gracie on the right

Three years later - Lizzie on the left and Gracie on the right

The bluebonnet spot - Lizzie, left and Gracie, right
I can't believe how far we have come. I thought we would never get through that first rough year, little to no sleep, Wes' layoff and caring for two premature babies with all their difficulties. We survived and have two sweet little girls.

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