Saturday, April 28, 2012

What a Saturday!

Today was a busy day for us. In the morning, we had a play day with our twin group, MPOM. I was hosting so I ran to the store this morning to get the snacks. We had a great time and the girls played well.
The girls waiting patiently
 Each time we have a big play date, we try and get a picture of the whole group. This is always a challenge because at least one kid isn't in the mood to get a picture taken.

Its a little blurry.
After the play date, we had lunch and all of us took a nap. After nap, we had dinner and then ran out the door again to a concert at church.

The concert was a benefit for Imagine No Malaria. It's an organization from the United Methodist Church that wants to eliminate malaria in Africa. Its a great organization and is already making huge progress in just a year or two. Emily Elbert, who grew up in our church, played an amazing concert. She has such talent and such passion. She has traveled the world and experienced much in a short time. At one point, she had her dad come up on stage and play the keyboard while she sang. It was so beautiful.

The girls were in the nursery and the workers brought them in to hear a couple of songs. Gracie was mesmerized. After it was over, she wanted to meet Emily. Emily was so sweet to her.

Emily Elbert

Emily with Wes and the kiddos
She was so kind and sharing. It was an awesome concert. So glad that my job allows me to do such fun stuff!

Here's a video off of You Tube.

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