I should have known that last night was not going to be good. I went to my MPOM dinner and had to leave the girls with a sitter. Wes was out of town for work. I get home around 11:00 and the sitter tells me that Gracie has a fever. She gave her Motrin and put her in bed. After I heard that, I knew that I was going to be up all night.
Around 11:30 pm, I gave her another dose of Motrin and tried to decide if I was going to sleep in their room. Because Gracie has a history of fibrile seizures and reactive airway disease, we have to keep on top of her fever so it won't spike and cause her to seize. I finally decide to stay with Gracie in her bed. Big mistake. The Motrin starts working and she starts playing. Finally, around 1:30 am, I went to my bed and woke up at 3:30 am for more Motrin. Again, I decide to try and lay down with Gracie to make sure she is fine. Then Lizzie wakes up and tries to crawl in bed with us. Around 4:45, I go back to my bed so the girls will go to sleep and sleep until 7:00.
The girls get up at 7:30 am and Gracie still has a fever. I decide to give her a lukewarm bath and Lizzie decides she wants in too. I give them breakfast and make an appointment to see Dr. Jim. We eat fast and get dressed to make the appointment
We get to the office and Gracie weighs in at 30 lbs. I ask to have Lizzie weighed and she was 30 1/2 lbs. We see the doctor and he checks Gracie's ears. She tells him she wants Lizzie's ears checked too. So because he is a great doctor, he complies with the 2 year old. It was one of the bright spots of the miserable day. We find out she doesn't have the flu and it's just the random virus with fever and a tiny cough. We pack up our stuff, walk out to the car and get in to find out it is dead. Fortunately, I have AAA. We trudge back into the office, call and 15 minutes later (and several scuffles in the waiting room), the tow truck shows up and jumps the van. We all get back in and head home.
At this point, I call Wes and break down crying. I'm better now. Slowly I'm learning that when you have twins, you learn to make it through anything.