Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013

This Halloween Nana made the girls costumes. Lizzie was a cowgirl and Gracie was a fairy. The girls really loved picking out their fabric. We had tons of activities to this year to dress up. I'm glad they had sturdy costumes! First they worn them to our church's Halloween HullabaBOO, next they wore them to school and finally Halloween night. On Halloween, the dads at the school wore capes helped with drop off. The kids loved it.

Like every year, we went trick-or-treating with the Shers and Halsteads. It was a blast!

Fairy and Cowgirl off to the church festival


The girls made Wes take pictures of their face painting before washing it off

It's funny they picked the same thing!

Super Wes!

Character parade at school

Holding her book

They each won a chance to paint the principal and assistant principal

Crazy girls ready to trick-or-treat

More crazy girls
Halloween is one of the girls favorite holidays! It was a great one for them!