Saturday, October 3, 2009

NICU Reunion

Today, we went to the first annual Baylor Grapevine NICU reunion. We had a really good time. We saw a lot of the nurses and doctors that the girls had take care of them during their time there. Another exciting thing is that we saw the other set of twins that were in the Step Down with the girls. They were boy twins and they were about two or three weeks ahead of the girls. It was nice, because their parents had already gone through everything so they could share their experience with us. We visited together and even rode the little train. The girls loved it! Gracie laughed the whole time. Lizzie wasn't so sure at first, but she did like it. Below are pictures of us before our ride.

We are very grateful to Baylor Grapevine and all the nurses and doctors that took care of all of us while we were there (God was really watching out for us during my pregnancy and the girls birth). Without the nurses, doctors, and medical technology, the girls and I would not be here today. We have been to many hospitals and it by far is the best.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What a week!

This week has been crazy. Last Friday Wes had a minor surgery that was suppose to take a couple hours and we ended up staying 12! It was awful. Anyway, we had to take the girls to the hospital with us until my parents could pick them up and take them home. So we woke the girls up at 5:30 am and headed out. The girls did pretty good until about 7:30 am and started getting cranky. I took them to the cafeteria and fed them pancakes. We then went to the waiting room to wait. Once I got to the waiting room, I realized that they needed a diaper change. So, the receptionist showed us where the bathroom was with a changing table.

I changed the diapers, loaded the girls and stuff back on the stroller and headed back. Once there, I unloaded all the toys and the girls. Not but 15 minutes later, I smelled something. It was Gracie. So, I loaded all the toys and the girls back into the stroller and we headed down the hall again. We finally get back to the waiting room and unload the toys and play for a while until grandma and papa show up. I was so exhausted by the time they came. The receptionist asked if I missed them and felt naked. From my expression, she must have seen my relief. Then she asks if I stay at home with them. I told her no and that currently Wes was home with them. She gave me the "what kind of mother doesn't stay home with her kids and works" look.

Finally, we made it home (after I had to be assertive and say that Wes needed to be discharged). My parents stayed until Wednesday and Wes is recovering well. He should be as good as new in another week or so.

Everything is an adventure with these two girls. Oh, they are progressing on their walking. They have taken more steps and now like to hold hands with people and walk. It was so cute the other night, we went for ice cream and Wes and papa were holding the girls hands and walking them up and down the side walk!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Practice walking

This is Lizzie with her daddy practicing walking.

Gracie practicing with daddy.

Diaper time

When we change the girls diapers, we put the clean one on their heads like little wigs. They love it! They also play peek-a-boo with them. Wes says we are going to regret it when they try and put a dirty one on.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Going for a walk

We took the girls for a walk this evening. It was a great day for it the weather was cool. We took the "tank" as Wes calls it and Molly the dog. We were a site. Molly always has to lead and zig zag but with the stroller she kept getting run over. The girls laughed the whole time because they thought that everything Molly does is funny.

Friday, September 11, 2009

15 Months!

Today the girls turned 15 months old! It's hard to believe. This time last year they were tiny and we had to watch them while they ate. Now, they shovel food in their mouths as fast as they can.

They visited Dr. Jim today for their 15 month check up. Both girls are doing good and the biggest news is that they are on the charts in the positive numbers. It's a little stressful when the doctor told us they were in the negative percentiles.

The only problem is that Lizzie is a little under the weather. She's been running a low grade fever since yesterday and snotty. In fact, Wes went in at 10 and she was at 102. We decided it was time to go to Acute Kids just to be safe. So, he is taking Lizzie while I'm at home with Gracie. Hopefully Lizzie will feel better tomorrow. Poor baby.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day!

We had a great holiday weekend. Last year for Labor Day, we were still in lock down with the girls so we stayed at home and did nothing. I started back to work on the next Tuesday from maternity leave. This year was different. We traveled to Oklahoma and spent the weekend having fun.

While we were there, my sister gave up some more of her kids toys and the girls loved them! She brought them a toy piano and a ride on toy. Lizzie loved the piano and Gracie loved the ride on toy. Below is a picture of both girls on the toy.

The girls are trying to walk and talk more and more. They both are taking steps toward us without holding on to stuff. Also, they are saying more words. We can say ball, mama, dada, I love you, Molly (dog's name), Allie, Leo, (cats' name), cat, dog, and milk.

We had two other firsts. We took the girls to Chuck E Cheese for the first time and let them ride a couple of toys. Gracie loved it. Lizzie cried a little. We also finally stopped at the Texas rest stop and got a picture of the girls with the sign.

Me with Sydney and Sam

Lizzie and Gracie on the toy

Coming home with Molly

My little Texans
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