Friday, December 10, 2010

Visit with Santa

Today the girls met Santa. We have gone to see him the last two years but they haven't really liked it too much. But, today's adventure with Amy was to go see Santa with all the girls. There were four of us moms and six kids! It was crazy all the kids did really well.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Little Break

Last week, the girls spent the entire week with Grandma and Papa. We left them on Sunday after Thanksgiving and then picked them up Saturday. We met half way to pick them up.

The girls had a blast while in Oklahoma. My sister and her kids would visit daily to "help" out. The girls were spoiled rotten. Now, they think they are too big for high chairs or bibs. Thanks Grandma! My aunt and uncle from Tulsa even made the drive to see the girls. They also got to visit Aunt Betty and go to movie night at her house with the big kids.

What did Wes and I do while they were gone? Absolutely nothing! Wes had to work, but I got to sleep in everyday, shop and craft. It was wonderful. I did meet Karla for lunch one day and shopped with Amy another. This was the first time that the girls and I had been apart since I was pregnant and they were born (not counting NICU time but that's different). It was a needed break but I missed them a lot. I got a little sad on Thursday because I missed them so much.

The girls came back taller and with longer hair! We felt like they had grown a foot! They seemed like they had changed so much and were big girls. They have more words and are now saying stuff like their Grandma and Papa. Gracie now says "hi guys", which is something my dad has always said. They tell me that they miss everyone everyday but they seem happy to be home with us and all their stuff. I think they got a little home sick too.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Been Crafting this week!

I had a busy craft week this week. I made fabric flowers, clay flowers and photo necklaces. The clay flowers are new to me. I just started that one this week. I really like it!

Fabric Flowers

Making photo necklaces, what a mess!

Clay flowers, I love them!
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Great Idea!

My friend Amy asked me to donate something for her sister Leah's auction going on right now! I donated a button necklace and a flower headband. There are tons of other items up for bid! What's so awesome about this auction is that it's to raise funds to adopt a baby! This is such a great idea and so creative. Please click on over to the site to see all the great stuff.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We are home from our Thanksgiving with family in Oklahoma. We had a great time. We saw tons of family and ate tons of food. It was fabulous!

On Thursday, we had a low key day with lunch and naps (even me). We even got the traditional paper with Black Friday ads. We poured over them to decide where we were going to go. Thursday evening, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Potter's to eat and visit some more. The girls love playing with their great grandparents.

On Friday, my sister, mom and brother-in-law were out of the house by 3:30 am to go to the mall. We waited in the cold for 30 minutes for the mall to open. We shopped there until 7:00 am and then picked up my niece and nephew. My kids were smart and were still asleep. We shopped with them more and then went home and napped. Then out again to buy cowboy boots for the girls. Then lunch and then out again! We really shopped!

On Saturday, we had lunch with my cousins. It was a great lunch and then on to watch the OSU vs OU game.

On Sunday, we traveled to see my grandma and have lunch. She lives out in the country and the girls loved playing with her kitty and doggie. They also loved playing outside with Sydney and Sam.

Of course, I forget to bring out the camera until the very last day and only get these pictures of the kids on the swing. I tried to take enough until I got the right one.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Cough

Well, its that time of year for us to battle the cough for little Gracie. Last year, we discovered that she took after her daddy for respiratory issues. The doctor diagnosed it as Reactive Airway Disease which is similar to asthma. Last year, we had about 4 ER visits to help her through some attacks.

This year, we started seeing a pediatric pulminologist. He is a great doctor and has put her on some great medicine that seems to control her breathing. He also switched us to a puffer (inhaler). Which is great because that means no more 30 minute breathing treatments! Now she and Wes are on most of the same medicine!

Now, we just have this yucky sounding cough. She is breathing fine, she just gets the old lady hacker cough. It sounds terrible but she is still fine and running around! We have figured out the difference between the ok cough and the gotta do something quick cough.

The thing that I have learned the most from these little girls is that everything is trial and error. Nothing is a given and if it's not broke don't try and fix it!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dinner Conversation

While we were eating our spaghetti dinner tonight, I thought we had a really funny conversation. Before dinner, I turned off the TV. I told the girls after dinner we would watch Sesame Street (one of their favorite shows along with Olivia and Wonder Pets). Spaghetti is one of their favorite meals. So after a couple of helpings, Gracie is ready to get down. Then the conversation goes like this.

G: Want down. Sesame Street
Me: You can get down but you have to wait for L to finish before we can watch
G: Hurry up L! (with arm gestures)
L: (Silently stuffing her face with spaghetti and the sauce is all over her face)
G: I go over to L. (she was on the other side of the table from L)
Me: OK
G: (with shocked expression) L FACE!
Me: It's dirty isn't it?
G: Yes, napkin please.
Me: Are you going to clean her up?
G: Yes. (She then proceeds to wipe L down with her napkin while G's face still has sauce on it.)
G: (When finished) All done-Sesame Street!
Me: L are you done.
L: (Still eating) No.
(L keeps eating and her face keeps getting dirty. G gets mad and keeps wiping L's face.)
L: All done!

At this point, we all head to the bathroom to wash up. Then we sit down and turn on Sesame Street. All is well in the Potter house.