Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 3, 2008

Lizzie is 5 lbs 4 oz
Gracie is 3lbs 14 oz

I didn't get to breast feed today. Lizzie got cold over night and had to be put under the warmer. They did some blood tests and she did not have an infection. They also tested for MRSA. We will find out later if she has it. She started to pep up after I changed her at 11:30 am diaper change. She was pretty sleepy for her bottle from Wes but she still got a lot of her bottle.

Gracie had a couple of apnea and brady spells. One she recovered on her own and the other they had to give her oxygen. Her grandma held her today after she took forever to change her diaper and clothes. Gracie ended up peeing on her clothes because grandma took so long.

Both girls are getting bigger and their faces are filling out. Both Wes and I are ready for them to come home.

The lab screwed up the swabs so all the babies had to be re-swabbed. So, we have to wait another day on the MRSA results.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2, 2008

Lizzie is 5 lbs 2.9 oz
Gracie is 3 lbs 12.4 oz

The girls are 3 weeks old today! Lizzie gets cultured again tomorrow to see if her MRSA has cleared up. The speech therapist checked while Wes was feeding and he did fine. Lizzie took most of her bottle and took 7 cc from me while on the breast. She is going great.

Gracie had a couple of episodes of bradys and apnea. She will try the bottle again on Monday with the speech therapist. Gracie is still trying to regulate her temperature and had to have her bed warmed a little. She is getting close to coming out. Once she gets a bit bigger, she will be ready. Hopefully, she will hit 4 lbs soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

June 31, 2008

Lizzie is 5 lbs 1.6 oz
Gracie is 3 lbs 11.8 oz

Gracie came back negative for MRSA. They are still slowly lowering her temperature to get her out of the isolet. Both girls started vitamins. Tomorrow, Gracie gets evaluated by a speech therapist for feeding. Lizzie had her today and did well. She took most of her bottle and showed all the signs of being ready.

At Lizzie's 8:30, we tried again on the breast. It was a pain. I have to wear an apron and gloves so it makes it really difficult and hot. I'm paranoid the whole time. I hate it. I hope it gets better when she gets home.

Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30, 2008

Lizzie is 5 lbs
Gracie is 3 lbs 10.6 oz

The girls are 34 weeks today. Gracie was taken off caffeine. She is being left on her own to see how she does. She is doing well on her temperature. She is now just barely warmer than the room outside her isolet. We may try a bottle again on Wednesday.

She is now up to 3 bottles a day. However, we found out today that she has MRSA. It's in her eye and shows up as goop. She has been on antibiotics for 2 days now. We have to wear special yellow plastic gowns and gloves. It's hotter than heck wearing them. We have to do it until she is discharged. Wes and I hope it's soon.

Both girls are suppose to see the speech therapist, but she is on vacation. The hospital is suppose to get someone else. Hopefully, they will. The doctor thought that Lizzie would leave before Gracie.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

June 29, 2008

Lizzie is 4lbs 14.8oz
Gracie is 3lbs 9oz

We tried breast feeding Lizzie for the second time. She took 4cc of milk. She is getting bigger every day. We went to their 11:30, 2:30, and 8:30 feeding. We tried the breast again at 8:30 again. Wes did the 11:30 feeding with a bottle. We also gave Lizzie a bath for the first time. Gracie is still to little for us to give a bath. The nurses can do it faster so she is not out of the isolet that long.

Gracie was good. She had a couple of desat spells but recovered on her own. She is getting bigger. She stayed awake while Wes held her yesterday. He held her three times.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

June 28, 2008

Lizzie is 4lbs 13.5oz
Gracie is 3lbs 8oz

Lizzie breast fed for the first time today. She took 15cc and then had the rest through the tube. She took over half her bottle in the evening from Wes. She was moved to an open crib.

Gracie is still on caffeine to help with her bradys. The doctors will revisit later this week to see when she will come off. She has had some spells but recovered on her own. To be moved to an open crib, she has to be about 1800 grams. That's about 4 lbs

Our Story

So, I'm cheating. I started this blog when the girls were about 5 months old. After so much had happened; the pregnancy, the delivery, the nanny, and the daycare.

While the girls were in the NICU, one of the nurses suggested keeping a journal of my thoughts, feeling, and events for the girls. I decided to back date the blog and transfer those journal entries to this blog.

Just some back ground. My pregnancy was pretty uneventful until about the last month or two. I was diagnosed with placenta previa, one of the girl's (Twin A, Lizzie) placenta was over my cervix. Because you can't deliver the placenta before the baby, I was guaranteed a c-section and it's very dangerouse because the mother and baby (or in my case babies) can bleed out. This usually goes away in most people and my OB told me she was almost sure it would move. The perinatalogist wasn't so sure. He kept telling me it may not.

Anyway, around week 24 the placenta hadn't moved and I was put on modified bed rest. The perinatalogist told me that one night I would wake up in a puddle of blood and I would have 30 minutes to get to the hospital. I was going to the ob or peri every other week for sonos and checkups. Each time my bed rest became closer and closer to hospital bed rest. I was guaranteed hospital bedrest at 32 weeks (if I could make it until then) until I delivered or 36 weeks whichever came first. During all this, my OB went on maternity leave. She kept telling me she would be back to deliver, but I would see one of her partners in the meantime. I guess she needs a new crystal ball.

At 30 weeks and 5 days (a Friday), the dog woke Wes and I up at 11:50. I got up and went to the rest room while Wes put the dog out. I was doing my business when I felt something different. I looked in the toilet and saw blood. I calmly told Wes I needed to go to the hospital and ran to find clothes. We jumped in the car, I called my parents, and Wes drove 100 mph to the hospital. I was worried about the girls, but I felt them both kicking me so I knew they were ok. Three things worked for us, prayer, no cops and no traffic on I-635.

We got to the hospital and I pushed the after hours button, told them I was bleeding, 30 weeks pregnant with twins. They buzzed me in and we got in the elevator to go upstairs. When we got to the nurses station, they didn't have any rooms so I stayed in triage for most the night. They had to call the on call nurse to take care of me. They gave me turbutiline to help stop the contractions. This drug would make my heart race and me shake. It was awful. The next thing that happened was my blood pressure dropped. They put me in what they call trendelenburg position (pretty much me standing on my head in the bed). I was on heart monitors for the girls and a monitor for the contractions. Gracie really hated the monitor, she would kick it and then move as soon as they placed it.

They called the on call OB to see me. I think they were trying to decide if I would stop bleeding, stop contracting, or should they take the girls. They gave me my first of two steroid shots anyway. I didn't get any pain meds because they hadn't decided what they were going to do. Either I was at peace or too stupid to know to be scared. Wes of course was scared for both of us. The nurse had to ask him to sit down because he was making her nervous. Somewhere in the middle of all this my parents arrive. They are the best parents and are always there for us.

After about 7 hours of contracting, shaking, and pain. I was finally moved to an antepartum room where I was suppose to stay until 36 weeks. They put me on magnesium sulfate which is a terrible drug. It makes you feel like you have the flu. Sweaty, dry mouth, feverish, and yucky all over. I was so hot that the room was set at 50 degrees and I was still sweating with a fan on me. I was on this for 36 hours and I was on a liquid diet for the entire time.

As soon as I was off the mag, we found ants in my room so I was moved to another room. This room had the construction elevator right outside the window. So every morning at 7:00 am I heard the workers start their day. From the mag, I went to a pump that gave me the turbutiline constantly. It was like I was on speed for 2 days before I got use to it. The lady had to come twice to show me how to work the pump because I was so heavily medicated.

I couldn't sleep at night while I was in the hospital and slept during the day. I remember being worried about my hair and wanting to get it cut. I had lined out my stylist to come to the hospital to cut it later in the week. By Wednesday (32 weeks and 3 days), I was tired of the hospital TV and bored. I was very weepy that day and cried almost all day. I also had weird contraction all that day. I had been contracting since I had arrived at the hospital off and on. I sent my mom and dad to eat dinner outside of the hospital because my mom hadn't left my side for any length of time. I ate my dinner and went to the rest room. Again, I started bleeding. Wes hit the nurse call and within seconds I had about 5 nurses in my room. They called the OB on call. I remember hearing one of the nurses, "tell her to get here right away". It turns out the same doctor on call was the one that was on call the night I came in. I could tell she was thinking about her options, but was going to take the girls.

As soon as she made her decision, the nurses got to work. They tried to get an IV in me but my veins were not cooperating. It took about 10 minutes to get it in and finally the anesthesialogist had to put it in. They got me in the OR, put the spinal in, and laid me on the table. It was very hot in the room because the girls were so premature (usually for c-sections it's very cold). Wes was dying in his "bunny suit" (surgical scrubs). They told me I was going to feel pressure and within minutes, they said Twin A was out. It was Lizzie, she was only making gurgling noise and had to be intubated. They then said that Gracie was going to be more difficult and then a minute later I heard her cry. Because they were working on Lizzie I only got to see Gracie briefly. They were both rushed to the NICU and I was sent to recovery.

Of course I don't remember much because they gave me the "happy juice" and I was out. I woke up hours later watching one of our good friend from church helping Wes move me to a postpartum room. I didn't get to see the girls that night because I was so heavily medicated and anemic. I saw them at 8:00 the next morning. They were so beautiful to me.

Wes and I spent the next 4 days wandering the halls of the hospital. Seeing the girls for feedings and then taking walks around to pass the time. We weren't able to hold the girls for about 72 hours because of their prematurity. It was a very difficult time. My hormones were raging and I was crying all the time. We went home after 4 days but it would be another 5 weeks before the girls joined us. It's very sad to watch all the other mothers go home with a baby and to walk out knowing you had to come back worried about your tiny babies.

Anyway, the following post are about the NICU time. I didn't start right way. I started writing after the girls were there 17 days. They ended up staying 40 days in the NICU. I was up at the hospital about 3 times a day and trying to recover from the c-section. It was really rough.