Friday, April 10, 2009

First Easter

We are on our way to Grandma and Papa's for Easter. It should be really fun. I'm sure the girls will love watching Sydney and Sam collect eggs.

Wes and I always snack in the car which is very bad. We have already stopped for beef jerky and now we are getting fried pies.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Daddy is so funny

Wes and I were getting dinner ready for us and making baby food for the girls. When we cook, we pull the girls in to the kitchen because they like to watch us. I had stepped out of the kitchen and heard the girls laughing. I turned around and there was Wes jumping up and down and the girls thought this was the funniest thing. Both girls were laughing so hard. I grabbed the camera and made Wes jump up and down again. He was exhausted when we were done!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fun Saturday!

Today, we went to the girls first Easter egg hunt at church. They mostly just sat in the stroller while the other kids hunted the eggs. There were a lot of kids there and the girls love watching kids! We did get to take this cute picture while we were there. This nice lady asked if we wanted to get the whole family which is great because we don't have that many pictures of all four of us!

We met a nice lady who had a 10 month old that was born 12 days before the girls. He was 1 lb when he was born and spent 10 weeks in the NICU. Now he is 15 lbs and healthy! What a wonderful story! We love talking to people about their baby experiences.

The other thing we did today was take the girls to the park. They really like the swings and watching the other kids. We put the girls in the grass for the first time. Gracie liked grabbing it and then throwing it. Lizzie took a little longer grabbing it and just wanted to examine the grass. She wasn't too sure what to do.

Gracie playing in the grass

Lizzie playing in the grass.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

We took the girls to the park to play on the swings. It was a nice spring day. This is the girls' second time to be in the baby swings and they really like it. Gracie loved swinging and watching all the other kids. Lizzie acted all shy and bashful but had a great time too.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bath Time

We decided to try and bath the girls together in the tub. We have been bathing them one at a time in a baby tub. It takes a lot of time and the girls don't get to be together. This is actually the second attempt in a bath together. For the first try, we just sat them in the tub. They don't quite have the muscle strength to stay seated that long and Gracie fell over. We decided that wasn't such a good idea.

Then, I saw a friend of mine's pictures of her twins in the tub in their bumpo chairs. We haven't used the chairs much and were excited we could use them. We filled the tub and put the girls in their chairs and gave them toys. They loved it!
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Photo Shoot

We went today and got the girls 9months pictures. We went in saying we would only get the special $9.99 package, but they took so many cute ones we ended up with 4 poses! Wes was so mad at me. The girls did really well. Gracie didn't want to smile because we had just woken her up from the car ride. Lizzie was all smiles. The photographer told us that its really hard to get good pictures of two kids, but we ended up with a lot of good ones. I may have a couple of models on my hands! I doubt Wes would let them have a career in that. If you want to see more of the photo shoot, check out our picasa page under March Photo Shoot.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fun stuff

The girls are getting to be such big girls. They sit in their high chairs and eat their dinner so well. They had a special treat this past weekend. Their big cousins helped feed them their lunch. Sydney fed the girls the last time we were in Oklahoma, but this time Sammy helped out too. He wasn't too sure about feeding the girls, but with his mom's help he did a great job.

Sydney feeding Gracie

Sammy feeding Lizzie

The girls love any crinkling noise. At diaper changing time, we give them the wipes bag and they love to play with it. They take turns each time and both of them end up playing with the bag. The bag is the best, we started using the plastic box and it's not the same.