Friday, June 11, 2010

Babies Second Birthday

Today is the girls second birthday! We are so excited. The girls are staying home today with Grandma and Papa and celebrated with a McDonald's breakfast.

This year has been a blur. It was a difficult one for the family but we made it through. Wes is now happy in his new job.

I thought I would just try and keep a record of what we've faced and accomplished
  • Stopped nursing at 12 1/2 months
  • Transitioned to milk and all table foods
  • Started walking at 15 1/2 months
  • Started talking
  • Went back to daycare
  • Transitioned out of our bed room and into theirs
  • Stopped taking a pacifier
  • Started running
  • Mommy and Daddy are always tired
  • Gracie's seizure and ER visit making it necessary for us to always have a thermometer and Motrin on hand
  • Gracie's breathing issues and ER visits to get it under control
  • Lizzie's follow ups on the tubes in her ears - no new surgeries scheduled
  • The girls both being on allergy medicine (we thought we were done with medicine every day after the Previcid but I guess not)
  • The girls awareness of everything - the way they love their dog Molly and try to chase the cats
  • Their love of family - they love their cousins, aunts, uncle and grandparents
  • They can put on their boots
  • They can take off socks and shoes in 2 seconds while sitting in the car
  • They know "No", "Please", "Thank You" and "Milk"
  • All stuffed animals right now are "Melmo" (Elmo) or "babies"
I guess that's a long list! Soon I'll be blogging about their birthday party tomorrow!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

What a great weekend! Wes and I took Friday off and had a four day weekend. My family had planned a family vacation to Beavers Bend in Oklahoma. The plan was to meet my parents and my sister and her family and spend the weekend together having fun!

We started the weekend on Thursday night by going to my Grandma's house. We hadn't seen her in a long time and decided since we were close and had the time we should visit. We got to her house really late and didn't have the pack-n-play set up. Wes and I decided that we had luck once with the girls sleeping in big kid beds we would try again. That was not a smart decision. Because the girls slept some in the car and were excited to see Great-Grandma, they did not want to sleep. They both SCREAMED for a couple of hours. Good thing is that great-grandma and great-papa are hard of hearing and didn't hear any of it. Finally, around 1:30 we all got to sleep.

The next morning, we got up and had breakfast. Around lunch, my parents and niece and nephew showed up. Then later that afternoon we left for Beavers Bend. Again, the girls fell asleep in the car and screwed up the nap schedule. We met up with my sister, Laura, that evening in Beavers Bend.

Day 2 of our adventure started with horse back riding. This was the first time the girls were really up close with a horse. Every time they see a picture of a horse, they bark like a dog. Anyway, they rode double with Wes and I. They loved it. Lizzie got a little tired and fell asleep on the horse toward the end of the ride. We rode for an hour on a trail and then had cotton candy and slurpees. Right next to the horse ride was a miniature train. Of course, we had to ride that too! The kids all love it! So many smiles on all of them.

That afternoon, we decided to go swimming in the hotel pool. We all got ready and grandma went ahead with Lizzie while Wes and I were with Grace still in the room. We were getting ready to head out when Sydney (my niece) came banging on the door saying that Grandma fell in the pool with Lizzie. Wes bolted (as he always does when it comes to the girls) for the pool. I was left with Grace and Sydney. It turns out, the railing on the pool steps was loose and grandma slipped in the pool. Lizzie went under and took in some water, but no serious injuries (only trauma). Lizzie was so traumatized that the rest of the pool time, we were all trying to get Lizzie to like the water again.

Day 3 of the trip was our lake day. We rented a boat for the morning. My sister was a little freaked but ended up loving the boat. She drove the boat most of the time. We had a blast until the girls got a little bored and wanted to head back. For lunch, we found a great picnic spot and grilled hot dogs. The girls played near the table while Laura and the kids went and played in the stream. I guess my sister will never get to old to look for crawdads. That afternoon we went swimming again. Gracie takes to the water like a fish. She loved it. Wes and I will have to get her in swimming lessons. Lizzie is still a tad bit apprehensive, but is warming back up to it.

Day 4 was our travel day home. We love our vacation and it was great. No family issues and everyone was happy. I'll try and post some pictures tomorrow or you can go here to our Picasa page.

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's finally up!

After several months of thinking about it, I finally launched my Etsy site, Monkeybee Designs. I only have 5 things posted right now, but more are coming. I really love the fabric rosettes right now, so expect more of those. I have several things made, but I wanted to start slow. Please check me out!

The name Monkeybee came from the girls. Lizzie is always a little busy bee and Gracie is our little monkey. That's how it's Monkeybee. My mom hand drew the artwork for the monkey and the bee and Wes worked it up in a graphic design software! It's truly a family effort.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Big Girl Cups

The girls started using regular cups and silverware at daycare a few weeks ago and so we started using them at home. Its been an adjustment and we still have spills but its becoming less and less of a problem. The girls are really starting to master the spoon and fork.

We just recently added using big girl cups at restaurants. It just started mostly because we weren't prepared a few times because we forgot the diaper bag. The girls really like to use cups and silverware. Usually, Gracie asks for it if we forget. When we actually have to get sippy cups out, I feel weird.

Our next 2 big steps are using the potty chair and converting to big girl beds. I think we are close to both but aren't going to really tackle it until the girls turn 2. Which reminds me, we finally decided on a theme and got the invitations out. Less than 1 month and the girls will be turning 2!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

This year was going to be a great Mother's Day. We planned to go to Oklahoma to visit my family and spend the weekend having fun. All went well until the Monday before when Wes tells me he is flying out on Thursday and won't be back until Friday at 6:00. So, we planned to leave around 8:00.

Then Friday came, the school calls and says that Gracie is running a fever. I take her to the doctor and it's either an ear infection or virus. The pedi does say it's ok to take Grace to Oklahoma so the trip is still on. Then I get the news that Wes can catch an earlier flight. So, we can leave earlier. When he gets home, we load up the car and head out.

While in Oklahoma, Lizzie gets a fever overnight. Wes takes her to an urgent care clinic and the diagnosis is an ear infection. All day Saturday the girls take turns with fever, Motrin, lukewarm baths, and sleeping. It was not fun at all. All plans for Saturday were canceled.

Sunday they start feeling better and we do get to have a lovely lunch with all the family. The only sad part is we didn't get to see Grandma and Grandpa Potter. With the girls being sick, we didn't want to expose them to anything.

Maybe I'll get a redo Mother's day.....

Monday, May 3, 2010


The girls have had a busy week! First, Nana came to visit last Monday and stayed until Thursday. Then Grandma and Papa came and spent Friday through today. The girls are so spoiled now! They had a blast with their grandparents. They laughed so hard and have been in great moods! The fun thing they are doing now is holding hands every where we go. We went to see the ducks on Saturday and they couldn't walk very far without holding each others hands. It is so cute to see the sister bond they are developing!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What personalities

The girls are really starting to show their individuality. Their personalities are so different. They both truly love each other and always make sure they know where the other one is. It's so funny to watch they see each other and say "hi sister". Their faces just light up!