Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dinner Conversation

While we were eating our spaghetti dinner tonight, I thought we had a really funny conversation. Before dinner, I turned off the TV. I told the girls after dinner we would watch Sesame Street (one of their favorite shows along with Olivia and Wonder Pets). Spaghetti is one of their favorite meals. So after a couple of helpings, Gracie is ready to get down. Then the conversation goes like this.

G: Want down. Sesame Street
Me: You can get down but you have to wait for L to finish before we can watch
G: Hurry up L! (with arm gestures)
L: (Silently stuffing her face with spaghetti and the sauce is all over her face)
G: I go over to L. (she was on the other side of the table from L)
Me: OK
G: (with shocked expression) L FACE!
Me: It's dirty isn't it?
G: Yes, napkin please.
Me: Are you going to clean her up?
G: Yes. (She then proceeds to wipe L down with her napkin while G's face still has sauce on it.)
G: (When finished) All done-Sesame Street!
Me: L are you done.
L: (Still eating) No.
(L keeps eating and her face keeps getting dirty. G gets mad and keeps wiping L's face.)
L: All done!

At this point, we all head to the bathroom to wash up. Then we sit down and turn on Sesame Street. All is well in the Potter house.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My new Etsy shop Monkeybee Designs. I've actually had it for a while but have let it sit for too long. I finally got updated pictures (thanks to LiaLezon Photography). Allison came out to the house and took pictures for me. She is so awesome.

As some of you may know, I've been beading for several years now and have sold stuff off and on for awhile. Most of what I do, I give as gifts. I make stuff but then don't wear a lot of it because I feel self conscious. Do people tell me it's nice because it is or because they know I made it. Now, other people can enjoy my work!

Some of the stuff on the site.

Beaded Jewelry

Custom Photo Necklaces

Glass Pendants

Come check out my shop, Monkeybee Designs!

Our Busy Weekend

Every weekend, I tell Wes that we are going to take it easy and then it becomes a whirl wind of activities. On Friday night, we went to the circus. It was the first time the girls have been and they really liked it. They stayed up late and weren't fussy at all. They really loved the animals. It was a bit chilly and there weren't many people there.

The girls are playing at McDonald's with their friend Lauren.

On Saturday, we got up really early to have our pictures taken Allison at Lia Lezon Photography. She took AWESOME pictures. Because it was chilly, the girls wore their hats and coats the whole time. I decided to make their hats cuter by making a flower on each. It turned out really well.

That night, we had a Sunday school pot luck dinner. It was really fun and the girls loved playing with all the kids!

Sunday, we went to church and then celebrated our friend Chandler's 3rd birthday at the Children's Museum. The girls had a blast playing. Here they are going down the slide in their own way. For people who ask me if the girls are starting to show different personalities, this is a good representation of how they are different. Lizzie goes down face first and Gracie doesn't.

Lizzie going down the slide

Gracie going down the slide
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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

What a busy week we had ending with a busy Halloween weekend. First Gracie came down with croup and Wes had to leave town. That meant my next call was to Grandma and Papa to come for a visit. They happily came. We had a busy week with Daddy coming home on Friday.

We picked him up from the airport and headed straight to a Halloween Party. Our wonderful friends from our Sunday school class invited tons of kids to eat, decorate cookies and play. Here are the girls decorating cookies.

On Saturday, Wes went to the FC Dallas playoff game and I stayed with the girls. After the game, we met up with friends for dinner. It was a crazy night with 6 kids and 6 adults. It was the second night in a row to be up way past their bed time.

On Sunday (Halloween), we went trick or treating with the Shers, the Halsteads, and the Popes. We first ate dinner and then headed out in search of candy. It was quite a quest. We had to travel a couple of streets over to find anyone giving it out.

Here is a group shot of course no one co-operates.

This is Gracie running down the side walk to the next house. The wised up to us trying to skip a house or two.

This is Lizzie with "hands in pockets". She didn't want to hold my hand because she discovered her pocket. She kept them in there most the night.

The girls and I walking down the street. Wes took the pictures that's why my head is cut off. I'm not even that tall.....

Trying to get the girls to take a good picture with me. It didn't work out as planned.

The girls really loved Halloween this year. They are starting to get it. They loved their costumes and getting candy. Now for the third night in a row they are up really late. I hope this next week goes well for me... The nice thing about staying home with them is I don't have to worry about getting them up early for school.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Twins at the Zoo!

On Friday, Amy invited us to the zoo to meet up with some other twin mommies. It was a crazy time. The girls loved to see the animals. They saw almost all the animals in the book Good Night Gorilla, including the Gorilla! They got a close up view and loved it. They kept saying "good night gorilla". They would wave and say hi to all the other animals. It was so much fun to watch them. It was the first time they understood all the animals.

It was fun to meet all the other women and kids. They were all really sweet.

My sweeties

The whole gang

Playing Dress Up!

The girls love their dress up clothes. They love hats, shoes, socks or anything. They put on my high heels and walk better than me. They put on Wes' cowboy boots stomp around.

Here are some pictures of dress up.

Lizzie with sunglasses and fire helmet


Gracie with her glasses and hat

Gracie and her bracelets.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Our First Hair Cut

Getting our hair cut is a family affair. Wes and I have gone together to get our hair cut since we were first married. We go to Cristi Figueroa where she owns Salon Amis. She opened up the salon a couple of years ago and it's beautiful.

The girls don't have much hair but it has been getting a little unruly lately. Lizzie had pieces that were always in her eyes that needed to be cut. Because we have always taken the girls with us, they love Cristi. She is really sweet to them even though they are always trying to break something. She put them in the chair and put a cape on them. They thought that was amazing. They have watched mommy and daddy sitting in the chair with the cape on so they thought they were big girls.

Here is Lizzie sitting sweetly in the chair. She held really still for Cristi.

Gracie wouldn't keep her head still. She kept trying to look around and flipping her hair.

I love Gracie looking up at Cristi to see what she is doing.

They love sitting in the chair that goes up and down. It was really fun for them.
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