Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Conversations with Lizzie and Gracie

We have had some interesting conversations with the girls lately. I thought I would record a few.
My sweeties

Gracie - "I didn't nap momma instead I prayed to God."
Me - "What did you pray about?"
Gracie - "All the things I want God to give me for my birthday."

Me - "How did you get that sweater, it was up in your closet? Did you get a step stool?" (why would you need a sweater when it's 102 degrees outside, I don't know.)
Gracie- "No, I was on my tippy toes."
Me - "You aren't that tall."
Gracie - "I can when I want to be."

Me - " Did you have a good time at Grandma and Papa's"
Lizzie - "Yes"
Me - "Did you give them trouble going to sleep at night like you do for mommy and daddy"
Lizzie - "No, well maybe just a little bit of trouble but not that much." (very matter of fact)

Lizzie - "Mommy, make Molly (our dog) lick Gracie."
Me - "I can't make Molly lick anybody."
Lizzie - "Well, it hurts Gracie's feelings. She always licks me and not Gracie"

Some other things that make me smile about the girls.
  • The way they automatically hold hands
  • When they say to each other "we're friends, right?"
  • How they play sweetly together
  • They watch out for each other everywhere we are
We still have challenges but four is a fun age.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Parent's Anniversary

Today is my parents anniversary, they have been married for 45 years. My parents taught me what marriage should look like. It's not perfect, sometimes its hard and it takes a lot of work. My parents taught me how to love and led by example. They don't always agree but they showed me its OK to disagree. You should always fight fair and communication with each other. 

My sweet parents
When I think of my parents, I think of love and acceptance. That's always what they gave each other and their children. They took my sister and I to church and taught us by example what Jesus meant by giving to the naked, the hungry, the sick, and whoever else was in need. My mom is a retired teacher. She was the kind of teacher who loved every child, even the worst kid in the class. She tended to love them the most because she knew they needed it. Looking back, I see all the little things my parents did to teach me how to be a good person.

They took us on vacation and taught us to learn about the world and not just our own backyard. My sister and I were exposed to so many things. Both my parents are teachers by nature and logical. One of my favorite stories to tell on my dad, a retired Geo-physicist, is when my sister and I would ask questions like why is the sky blue, his response was always scientific in nature. We got responses like "its the reflection of the sun light on particles" not "because God made it that way".

I consider myself very lucky to have the parents I do. I hope that I'm half the parents they are to Lizzie and Gracie. Love you mom and dad.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Silly faces

The girls were playing dress up the other day. So, I asked them to make silly faces for me. Silly girls.
Silly Lizzie

Another silly one

Smiley face

Sweet face

Silly Gracie

No idea why she is licking her hand

Dancing Gracie
Silly face

Did I mention that they were wearing their cute pirate girl outfits! These two love to dress up. They would prefer to wear dress up clothes all day if I let them.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Fun!

This week has been a busy one for us, Nana is visiting, we had swimming lessons, work at the church and a yoga play date with our twin friends. The girls really loved their swimming lessons with Ms. Marci. They did really well and had fun. Lots of summer fun!
Getting ready for swimming lessons

In our swim suits ready to go

Listening to Ms Marci

Walking with their hands around the pool

Still walking with their hands
Yoga Play Date with Ms Cheryl

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fun Trip to Houston

This past weekend, we went to visit our friends Bev and Geoff Smith and their sweet kids Avery, Colin and Noel. We had a great time. The girls got to have a slumber party with Avery for two nights.

Saturday, they cooked out a yummy dinner and we went swimming. It was nice to put the kids down and have adult conversation. The Smiths moved a few months ago and we have missed them ever since.

On Sunday, we went to the zoo. It rained on us for about an hour and then it was sunny again. As soon as the sun came out, so did the humidity and we were sweating buckets. Ah, Houston in the summer time. Sunday night, the kids got out some Legos and worked together and we had another yummy dinner!

Looking at some cool fish

Fun tunnel that runs behind an aquarium

Looking at the momma and baby elephant

Splash park fun with all 5 kids


Lizzie tired after the zoo

Gracie after the zoo

The kids all playing
Monday, we got up, had a great breakfast and then went swimming. After swimming, we left to come home. We stopped to look at the Sam Houston Statue outside of Huntsville, TX. At first the girls weren't too sure about the statue. After we saw it, they said that they wanted to see another statue. 
Wes and the girls with Sam Houston's face
The girls and I with Sam Houston's face
We had a great time and enjoyed staying with the Smith's! We really miss them.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Splashing fun!

On Friday, we went to a splash park that we hadn't been to before. The girls really liked it and had lots of fun. We got there really early and were the first ones there. It was nice to have it all to ourselves. It started filling up later but there was still room for all the kids to play. It never felt too crowded.
Running to check it all out

Shooting each other with the water guns


Fun little water slide. Lizzie loved this and went down it a lot

Getting ready for the waterfall

These two love the water and had tons of fun. We will have to go back again this summer.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Four Year Old Stats

Today, we took for the girls to their four year old check up. It went really well. The girls got three shots each and did not cry! They were such big girls. I got a couple pictures of the girls before we left. They are wearing their signature colors, Gracie in pink and Lizzie in orange.

Gracie was not in the mood to take pictures
Lizzie was more cooperative
This was the best I could get
The girls are the same height, each are 40 inches. Gracie is 37 lbs and Lizzie is 38 lbs. Dr. Jim commented today how that even though they are twins, they look so different.