Monday, May 16, 2016

Busy May!

This month has started out so busy! We started the month with the girls last choir performance and sharing program at church. Then we moved on to Mother's Day, Legoland school field trip, and recital pictures! We have had some fun in between.
Sharing Program

My momma and me

My grandma and I

Sweet Cousins

Sweet Cousins

My niece and I

My sister and I

Sweet Lizzie

Waiting for onion burgers at the Onion Burger Festival

Summer is coming!

Fun Dinner!

Go Stars!
There is more to come this month! We are only half way through!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Bluebonnets 2016

It's spring and the bluebonnets are in bloom!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter 2016

We spent Easter with family in Oklahoma. We had egg hunts, ate tons of food and went to church. It was a great weekend of fun and remembering the reason we celebrate.

Easter is such a hard concept to grasp. God sent his son to be crucified, die and resurrected. Grace woke me up one morning this week with a serious question, "what is resurrection?". Not what I expected to answer first thing in the morning. The best I could muster was a caterpillar and how it changes into a butterfly. I told her that Jesus died and then went to be with God to forgive our sins. She seemed to accept my answer but I still felt like it wasn't good enough. It's a tough concept to take in and believe. But as the pastor at my family's church said, to believe is a leap of faith. She had the faith like a child to believe. One of my favorite Easter hymns was written by Charles Wesley and I love to sing it each Easter.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
verse 2
Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!
Death in vain forbids him rise, Alleluia! 
Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!

Lizzie hunting
Give me a push!

Grace on the hunt

The haul!

Easter morning

We were lucky that my grandma and Nana could be there.

The Potters

Great-grandma and her great-grand daughters

Grandma and Papa