Saturday, February 6, 2010

Update on the girls

I thought I would dedicate this entry to how the girls are growing. They amaze us every day. It's so fun to watch them together and separate. They are constantly doing funny and amazing things.

Item number one: Clothing and accessories. The girls love clothes and shoes in different ways. They both love wearing shoes! When we put shoes on Gracie, she tap dances all over the house. She tap dances out the door. Lizzie loves textures. She is constantly loving on towels, socks, anything she can get. The girls love their purses. Both girls will put stuff in the purses and then carry them around. They also love mommy's purse. Tonight while Wes was at a Stars game, I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and the girls were quite. It turns out they found mom's purse and were pulling everything out!

Item number two: Eating. We have started using plates and spoons at meal time. It's a challenge to make sure that the plates stay on the table and not in the girls laps or heads! They are getting better every day.

Item number three: Talking and actions. The girls are saying more and more every day. They say banana, momma, dadda, Molly, dog, cat, book, bye-bye, hi, uh-oh, stop, no (and shake their heads), stop, milk, etc. Both girls are taking turns testing mom and dad. First it was Gracie, when we told her no she would do it anyway. Lizzie would get on to her too. Now it's Lizzie. At least they have the courtesy to not do it at the same time.

The girls love kissing. They love to blow kisses. When I pick them up from daycare, they blow kisses to their teachers. They love to kiss mom, dad and sister. Tonight, Gracie was kissing Lizzie and making Lizzie laugh hysterically.

Item number four: Making sister laugh. Each girl loves to make her sister laugh. They will "talk" to each other and laugh. They will bring each other toys or milk when the other is crying. Sometimes, they will cry only because sister is crying. They have such a unique bond that always bring tears to my eyes. Something that always makes me think of my sister and miss her because she is far away.

They are our little miracles and we love them dearly!

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