What a week we have had. Monday and Tuesday were normal work/school days for us.
Wednesday was rock n roll day at school and the girls dressed in rocker shirts. Of course I couldn't just buy a couple of t-shirts. I had to get iron ons. The iron ons didn't turn out exactly right so Wes had to cut BORN (for the BORN to Rock shirt) out of fabric and I stitched it on. I made hair clips out of tulle and by the end of the day they only came home with one. Which I figured were pretty good odds. Also, we wanted them to wear their boots but only Gracie would cooperate. That's why Lizzie is wearing the old man socks and shoes.
I know my little girls are angels but the halo effect was because it was very humid the day I took the pictures.

Thursday work had a happy hour for me because two and a half weeks ago, I turned in my notice. I am now a stay at home mom! This is something that I have always wanted to do but never thought we'd be in a place to do. But, we decided to be poor and give it a shot. I'm really excited. I can't wait to do fun stuff with the girls! I have been with my company for 9 1/2 years. It was my first job out of grad school.
This is a picture of my best friend at work
Stephanie. We have a lot of fun and always had "crafting lunch" where we would create whatever. We were a threesome but
Karla (
Soap Addict) decided to leave the corporate world in January to start her business. I'm gonna miss you Stephanie!

Friday (today) was my last day of work. Below is the lovely cake that they had for me. I really appreciated all the well wishes. Everyone at work was really sweet and told me they were jealous or that I would never regret the decision. Wes said he was worried because there would be 2 things I would miss dressing up for work and the social interaction. We'll see. Now my choices are flip flops or tennis shoes instead of heels or flats.

I'm looking forward to this next phase of my life and plan on having my girls play with all their multiple friends including
Reese and Riley!