Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake Yoga Party!

This past Sunday, we celebrated the girls 5th birthday with a yoga birthday party. My friend, Cheryl Walker, does kids yoga parties and it was so fun! The party was hosted at Rescue Yoga All the kids had a blast! As always, Allison took pictures for us. I made floral crowns for all the girls and had hard hats (that's the best I could come up with) for the boys.

Here are just some of the awesome pictures she took.
Gracie with Reese and Riley



Having a blast

Nana and Lizzie

Nana and Lizzie

Ready to start


Thumbs Up!


Blow out the candles!

Sweet girls

More cake

Sydney and Kassidy

How many are you?


Our family
 I can't believe my babies are 5! It was a fantastic party! Cheryl is awesome with children. We had 19 kids including the girls and she did great!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day in Alabama

We spent Memorial Day in Alabama with Wes' family. We made the 12 hour drive over. It was a short stay but it was great!

We had lots of fun. On Saturday, we went out to Wes' uncles land and had a cook out. There is a creek that runs through the property and the girls loved playing in it. They also loved playing with their cousin Kinsleigh. She is a couple of years older.

Getting ready for fun!

Watching the cows

Getting ready to walk in the creek

Kinsleigh and the girls

Nana and the girls

Great-grandma and the girls
Listening to music

Nana, Darlene, and Great-grandpa

Gracie talking to her cousin Huck

The girls singing
On Sunday, we went swimming in the pool. While waiting for lunch, we played in the yard. The girls had a blast. After dinner, we took all the kids to the park. That evening, we all sat on the porch while we visited with the family.

Lizzie swimming

Loving the pool!

Gracie swimming

Warming up from the cold pool

Playing at the park
Love a tire swing with cousin Brande pushing!
It was a fast trip but nice. We had some Nana time that we've been missing. The girls got to spend time with their great-grandma, great-grandpa, great-aunts,great-uncle and lots of cousins!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Last Day of Preschool

Wednesday was the girls last day of preschool. Both girls were sad that they were leaving the school but they are looking forward to kindergarten. The girls had a great year at school and loved it!

Gracie and her teacher Tammie
The girlies

Lizzie and her teacher Tarrin
I'm having a bit of trouble with how big the girls are getting. It seems like they are growing up so quickly. It will be hard not to see them in the halls at church while I'm working.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Fun!

We had a great weekend. We stayed busy and had fun. On Saturday, we started out by working in the yard. Then in the afternoon, we went to our friend Ally's birthday party. It was a gymnastics party and the girls loved it. I've know Ally's mom, Shari, since college. Our other college friend, Cindy, was there with her kids Mara and Jack.

Gracie waiting for the trampoline

Lizzie waiting her turn

The girls, Jack was too busy to stop for a picture.
It was great to see my friends again. We all moved down here from Oklahoma after college at various times.

Sunday was a very big day for us. As part of my job at the church, I helped plan a huge retirement celebration for our senior pastor. It went really well and we had lots of people come!

Singing in the choir

Posing with their new stickers on their purses
It was a great weekend. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Spilled Into Monday

Yesterday was Mother's Day. We had a great day. We spent it in Oklahoma City seeing all the family. We got there on Saturday just in time for lunch and to watch Sydney play soccer. Poor girl had to play the whole game so her face was beat red by the time we saw her.

She's the red headed one. Love the oil pump in the background

Watching Sydney's game

The soccer stars! We missed Sam's game.
After soccer, we went back to my parents house and had dinner. After dinner, the kids played and then my cousin Chris and Kassidy came over. We had a nice visit.

Sunday was Mother's Day. We had a great day. I got to sleep in and Mom and Wes made breakfast. My sister came over and we picked up the Grandma. It was fun.

The kids playing playdoh


Gracie eating a cantalope

Wes and I
 On Monday, Wes decided to take the day off for us to have a family day. The girls really had fun. We went for hair cuts and then had lunch at Cracker Barrel (the girls' choice).

Gracie at Cracker Barrel
Lizzie ready to order

Lizzie and me
Gracie and Wes

Gotta play a game of checkers.
 After lunch, we stopped at the Duck Pond to play. While the girls were playing, Wes found a baby turtle. It was really fun to watch it and the girls. After awhile, Wes decided to let the turtle go back to the pond. There was another little boy playing and Gracie wanted him to come too. She took his hand and asked his mommy. All the kids loved watching the turtle. As soon as Wes put in on a rock in the pond, the turtle ran and jumped in the water.
Lizzie climbing the wall
The girls and the tiny turtle

Peeking through holes
Gracie at the top!
From the park, we went back home and I took a nap. It was nice. We had a great weekend and glad we got to spend some time together as a family. We have been really busy and having one day to just slow down and hang out was fun!