Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Claus 2011

Tonight, we took the girls to see Santa. The girls are still not so sure about Santa. Lizzie likes him from a distance and Gracie is still shy around him. Anyway, these were the best pictures we could get.

Lizzie had to hold my hand

This was as close as Gracie would get

She finally looked at him.

Talking a bit with him

Friday, December 16, 2011

Random Cuteness

Here are some pictures of the girls being cute!

Gracie napping in a tent at Bass Pro

Minnie Mouse and Snow White on stage "performing"

Watching "music lights". A Christmas display set to music

The girls and I

This was Lizzie napping one day. She has a laundry hamper on her.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Scenes From A Mall

The girls and I headed to the mall today. It was rainy day so it was a good place to play. We first went to Gymboree or the store with a TV as the girls call it. We then headed downstairs to play and look at Santa. Gracie wants no part of Santa. She hides and won't look at him. Lizzie will wave but not get too close. We then headed to eat lunch.
Looking at the water. They discovered the coins thrown in.
After making a wish and throwing a coin in

Eating with chopsticks. Gracie just stabs the food.
Lizzie uses both the chopsticks and fork
The girls did pretty well walking with me. I did have to put them back on track a few times. Grace did spill her water. Every stinking time we go to the mall, Grace drops her drink on the ground and this time was no exception.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Potters

Once again, we did an e-card for Christmas. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Christmas Program

Today the girls had their Christmas program at school. They had a great time and looked really cute with all the other kids. They had a reception after with cookies and then they finished off their day. The only bummer was that Wes was on a plane on his way home so he missed it.
Caught this quick pic of Gracie walking down the aisle

Lizzie coming down the aisle

This is the girls class, its hard to get 10 kids to look the right way

The girls and I

My little angels
Tonight, the girls stood on their "stage" (the fireplace hearth) to dance and sing for Wes. I guess they didn't want him to be left out. Sometimes, the home performances are the best.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Cookie Play Date

Today, the girls and I went to a Christmas play date for our twin group. It was a lot of fun! It was at our friends the Coddington's.   
Some of the kids making cookies

Sweet Riley and Reese. We love them!

I love Gracie's expression even though Lizzie isn't looking

Lizzie and Gracie having a blast

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011 and My Birthday

Where to start, we packed a lot into 8 days. Our Thanksgiving week started the Sunday before when we headed to my grandma's. We met all of my mom's side of the family, all 20 something of us. It was really fun.
All 13 great-grandchildren
The girls and I headed back to OKC with my mom and dad while Wes headed back home to work for two days. So the girls and I hung out with grandma and papa and saw my cousins Angie and Chris. I got to go to the sonogram with them to see the baby boy. We also had all 5 cousins spend the night. The 3 big kids went to sleep really late and we went to McDonald's for breakfast.

On Wednesday, Wes came to OKC and we had a pre-Thanksgiving and birthday lunch with Grandma and Papa Potter and all 5 kids. Then for dinner, we went to have mexican for my birthday.

Papa making zip ties into rings for the girls
On Thursday, we had Thanksgiving here with my sister's family, Angie and Chris's family, my aunt Betty, us and my parents. This year my birthday fell on Thanksgiving. It was such a fun day and as a gift to me from my mom, I got to be lazy all day! Our after lunch tradition is to look through all the Black Friday ads. That's when we planned for midnight run to Macy's. Which is exactly what we did.
Counting pennies that Grandma gave them
 Friday, mom and I went shopping and she ended up getting all the girls presents. It was fun going with her.

Saturday, we went to my sister's for chili and the Muppet Movie. After the movie, Wes, the girls and I went to see Grandma and Papa Potter. It was a really fun day for us and the girls. We all loved the movie.
With Grandma
Sunday we headed home. So much fun and so exhausting..... Can't wait until Christmas!