Tuesday, March 5, 2013


This past weekend, we celebrated the life of my aunt Betty. The girls and I traveled to Oklahoma for the funeral while Wes was out of town for work. We arrived at my parents house on Friday and saw my uncle Tony and aunt Kathy. That evening, we had dinner with my sister and her family.

On Saturday, we woke up early and headed to Vici, OK and Camargo, OK. The two towns hold a lot of history for my family. My mom was from Vici and my dad from Camargo. The two towns are about 10 miles from each other and everybody knows everybody. My grandpa Cox and aunt Betty both taught at the Camargo school.

For lunch, the First Christian Church (and only church) in Camargo had lunch for the family. It was a very delicious lunch. The ladies who made lunch were great cooks and had all kinds of comfort foods. It was a good old fashion pot luck!  It was a nice time to visit with family. 
Angie and cute baby Dawson
Gracie playing with the toys at the church
My sister, Laura

My cousin Logan and his girlfriend Angelina
My aunt Kathy

Uncle Tony and Angelina
The cousins

Did I mention there was about a foot of snow left from the blizzard?
My brother-in-law Paul who hates to have his picture taken
Lizzie and her "Ear Mouses", don't know where she came up with that

Every time we go back to Vici and Camargo, I notice the same thing. My family is intertwined with those two towns.  It is part of my history although I never lived there. My dad was one of six kids and my mom has a brother. I enjoyed hearing the people who live there talk about how they knew either my dad, my mom or one of my aunts or uncles. My aunt taught for many years so a lot of them knew her. People seemed to know all about me even though I didn't know them. It was very comforting.

Because of the history and her being a teacher, her funeral had a full house. It was a lovely service, one that I think she would have liked. It's still sinking in for me that she's gone. Its hard losing someone that you knew your entire life and held such a special place in your heart.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Fairy Tale Ball

This past Thursday was the Fairy Tale Ball at the girls school. This was a big event for the girls and they have looked forward to it for a long time. Lizzie told me a couple of week ago that she needed a new princess dress for it. So, Grandma obliged and got them new dress up dresses. Also, the girls invited some of the church staff to come and watch.

They got to wear their dresses to school; which by itself is exciting. When it came time, the kids lined up with their partner. Each set was announced and bowed/curtseyed and then sat at the table where they ate lunch.

After lunch, they got up and danced with their partner for a couple of songs and then danced like crazy kids. The kids had a blast and I had fun watching.
On our way to school

Gracie being announced

Lizzie being announced

Lizzie's partner seating her

Gracie eating lunch

Lizzie eating lunch

Gracie and her dance partner dancing crazy

Lizzie dancing with her partner

Gracie and her teacher Ms. Tammie

Lizzie and her teacher Ms. Tarrin

The girls dancing
It was a really fun time for the girls.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Aunt Betty

Last night my aunt Betty passed away. Before, I mentioned her diagnosis of cancer. She took a turn for the worse early last week and stayed with us for a few more days. This past weekend, Wes and I took the girls to Oklahoma to say goodbye. By the time we got there, Betty was heavily sedated to keep her comfortable. We spent time with her on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We read scripture to her and prayed.

Betty with Lizzie at 6 months

 Betty was a special lady. She took all of her nieces and nephews in like grandchildren. She treated her great-nieces and nephews like great-grandchildren. I have many memories of spending time with Betty. She was a teacher by calling and an excellent story teller. I remember sitting on her knee and listening to all the stories she told. When the girls were old enough, they sat on her knee and listened to her tell stories. I'm happy that they were able to know her for a while. Betty had many occupations in her lifetime, one of which she was a paramedic and had stories of helping people in rural Oklahoma. For every job Betty had, she had stories to tell.

Betty and my mom a couple of years ago

During the time of waiting in that hospital room, we had many little mercies. A former student came by and told us that Betty was her favorite teacher. A chaplain came by and told us that grieving can take many forms. Nurses that treated Betty as human and would stroke her hair even though they had never met her. Feeling the presence of God while we prayed. Knowing that He would embrace Betty.

Me, Betty and my sister, Laura
The girls always loved rides on Betty's walker
Our family will miss Betty so much. She has been such a presence in my life and in the life of my family.  I hope the girls have fond memories of her. In our prayer this morning as a family, we talked about how we can use those good memories to comfort us when we are sad.  We love you Betty.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Yoga Play Date

Today we had a play date with our twin club, it was a blast. Our good friend Amy hosted it at her house and our awesome teacher Ms. Cheryl taught. The kids all loved it and had a blast.

Our besties, Reese and Riley

Listening to Ms. Cheryl

Downward Dog

Reaching up high

Getting ready for cobra pose

Practicing our bow pose


Cheryl and the girls

A little after yoga tea
After yoga, we played for a bit at Amy's. We got hungry for lunch and then hung out at Chick-fil-A for about 3 hours! It was a fun afternoon!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Today was Valentine's Day. The girls have been excited for this day for weeks! Gracie has asked every day when it is.

The girls thought that Valentine's day was such a special occasion they should wear princess dresses. I talked them in to wearing heart skirts and shirts instead.

On our way to school (after our friend Kathy gave them cookies)
Gracie getting ready to open her Valentines
Playing with her new treasures

Lizzie taking a break from opening Valentines

How did they know she loves masks?
It was a fun day for the girls. After school, we had fun playing with Reese and Riley. After dinner, the girls enjoyed eating as much candy as possible before they got caught.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Our Saturday

Yesterday was a fun day for us. We started out a breakfast at the new bagel place. Wes was meeting some guys from church. The girls and I tagged along.

After church we did some shopping for Wes. We walked by the Build-a-Bear and I finally talked Wes into actually letting the girls do it. The girls make me go in that store every time we pass. They were so excited. Of course I wasn't prepared, so I had to take pictures with my phone.

Washing our friends after stuffing
Our new friends
After that, we did a little more shopping and went to look at boots. The girls love looking at cowboy boots. They both wanted "cowboy dresses". We didn't find any but got a couple of cowboy hats.
For dinner, I had a Groupon that needed to be used at Toby Keith's restaurant. So, that's where we headed next. While we waited for dinner, the girls danced on the dance floor with Wes. They all had a blast.

It was fun day for all of us. One that we all needed!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Knee Socks

I have a bit of an obsession with the girls and knee socks. I love how the girls look in them. Their little knees sticking out are so cute.....

Who could resist the cuteness of little girls in knee socks?

What a couple of cute and smart little girls..... We love them so much.