Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

We celebrated Easter this past weekend. Wes was lucky enough to have both Good Friday and Easter Monday off. We traveled to Oklahoma City to see the family!

We hunted Easter Eggs three different times! It was a great weekend. 

Breakfast at Braums!



My grandma, mom and dad

Girls with the Easter Bunny

Cousin fun. They are playing office.

Dying Easter Eggs!

More eggs!

Gracie and Wes

Gracie and I

Lizzie and I (that's a sticker on her head)

My sister, Laura and I

Lizzie and Wes (that's a sticker on her head)

Mardi Gras masks from Grandma Potter

Sweet girls

Family Pic!

More Easter egg hunts

All the kids!

Great-grandma with the girls

My mom with baby Dawson
It was a fun weekend. We really missed my aunt Betty. She was on all our minds. Between all the Easter egg hunts, we did fit in going to church and celebrating the Resurrection.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Out With the Old

This past weekend, my parents came down to help us sort the girls toys. Their toys were starting to push the rest of us out of the house. We got a lot accomplished and had fun along the way.

They arrived Thursday and the girls were excited. Almost immediately, my mom started in on the toys. When she has a mission, there is no stopping her. Friday, we worked on the toys.

Saturday was the Easter Egg Hunt at church. It was all held indoors because it rained all night and morning. It didn't stop the kids from having fun!
Face Painting! Two little Easter bunnies

Finding Eggs

More eggs


 Sunday was Palm Sunday and the girls were singing in the choir. Choir is great for them, not only are they making so many friends, they are also learning about music and worship. Its so fun for them.
See Gracie? I think she is saying "hi" to Pastor Dennis

Serious about their singing

Little angels
After church and lunch, the girls had a tea party with Grandma. They all had so much fun!
The girls serving tea to Grandma

Making faces

More faces


Wes playing with his new phone
We had a great weekend and are glad to be rid of a ton of toys! I'm glad that Grandma, Papa and Nana were all here to hear the girls sing.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day at the Museum

Today, we met up with my cousin Logan and Angelina at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. Logan and Angelina were visiting from OKC.

The girls were excited about going to the museum. The girls have been once with Nana and were thrilled to go back. With it being Spring Break, the museum was packed! There were so many people it was hard to move around and see some things. However, we did have a fun time! We will have to go back when there are not as many people.

Waiting outside

Daddy with the girls

Fun frogs to play on

It was pretty windy

The girls and I

Gracie had to "pose" for this one


Logan and Angelina
After the museum, we had a late lunch/early dinner of Thai food. It was a really fun day! So glad we got to see Logan and Angelina!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Family Day

Today, Wes took the day off work. He traveled for work almost all of February (including weekends) so it was nice to have a day of fun.

For our fun, we headed to Gainesville, TX to the Frank Buck Zoo. It is a fun little zoo. We got there just in time to feed the giraffes. I didn't realize how long a giraffe's tongue is! After that, we looked through the entire zoo. Also, we fed some goats. Those little goats were competitive. They would push and shove to get the food but were gentle with the kids.

Looking at the animals

Wes helping them find something

Sister love



After the zoo, we went over to the playground. A small consolation after finding out the train was not running until Spring/Summer. It was a nice playground and the girls loved it. We were all having fun until Lizzie fell and busted her lip. She was a bloody mess and we had to find a bathroom to clean her up.
What do I do first?

Lizzie loved this swing

Both can fit! Where were these swings when the girls were smaller

Love this of Lizzie

Self Portrait

Right before she busted her lip!

So much fun!

The girls had so much fun, they fell asleep in the car on the way home. It was nice to have Wes with us on a week day! We had a great day!

The car ride home.