Thursday, January 29, 2009

Messy eater

Gracie loves to eat her yogurt. She is usually very messy, but this time papa fed her and she got it everywhere!

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Busy weekend

Well, we thought this weekend would be like any other. Trying to keep up with two girls and do as much house work as possible. Lately, our house looks like a tornado hit the inside. On Friday, I got a call from my mom saying she and my dad were on their way. We haven't seen grandma and papa since Christmas.

On Saturday, they baby sat while Wes and I went to a movie. We noticed a lot of people there and the entrance was blocked off. Wes dropped me off to get tickets while he parked. Out of the theater walks the Jonas Brothers. I knew who it was by my hours of watching day time talk shows :).

Then on our way home, Wes got a call from his grandparents that they were passing through and wanted to see us today! So the girls got to see their grandparents and great grandparents! What a great weekend for them.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


This weekend we took some videos of the girls. Wes decided to see if Gracie could hold herself up and Lizzie was rolling all over the place. She even rolled off the mat (we rolled up our rug and put down foam floor blocks)! Of course when I pulled the camera out, she stopped!

The other update is Lizzie now has an ear infection and Gracie has terrible diaper rash. Another doctor's visit. Thankfully we have insurance!

We also took the girls for a walk around the block in their new Combi Side by side stroller. It is so much lighter than the other tank! Yeah! Molly loved the walk too!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

We thought we could get away with it.....

Well, yesterday was a busy day. We took the girls to their therapy session to find out how they were progressing developmentally. For each area, (physical, occupational, and speech) the girls rated about normal for their adjusted age. They gave us some exercises and activities that we can do to help the girls. It was a good session.

Next, we took the girls to the NICU to see the nurses that took care of them. I love going there because they always say our girls look so big. It's the only place we can go that we hear that. After that, we went to the Grapevine botanical gardens and walked around. It was such a beautiful day.

We then came home and fed the girls. Gracie has been having diarrhea lately because of the meds for her ear infection. Because of that, she has been getting a diaper rash that's started looking yucky. Anyway, I thought it was looking really bad and didn't want it to get worse. When she came home from the NICU she had a really bad one. So, we had to go see Dr. Jim. We thought we could go a week without going to the doctor, but it never works that way.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Car Wash

We decided it was time for a car wash. I think the last one we got was when the girls came home from the hospital. That was when they were about a 1 1/2 months old and they are now almost 7 months! The girls were very intrigued by the car wash. They like watching the brushes and lights. I thought they might be a little scared, but they weren't not even by the loud blow dryer.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Parade

Today we took the girls to their first parade. We went downtown to the Cotton Bowl parade with the girls. They loved it. The watched everything and didn't sleep at all. We took them in their new side-by-side stroller. We had a blast. Their daddy wasn't so sure about going, but he even enjoyed himself.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our First Christmas

Well, we survived our first Christmas. As Wes noted, the girls and I spent about 10 days in Oklahoma with family. We were very busy and had lots of fun. We are all very tired, especially the girls. Since we have been home, their sleep schedule has been totally off. They keep waking up during the night, Gracie with gas and Lizzie just talking. They got to see family that they have never seen before including their twin cousin Larry. The other twin Terry couldn't make it from Minnesota so maybe next year we will meet him. Grandma Darlene spent the week with us too. We kept her very busy and she enjoyed spending time with the girls.

We also learned to never try anything new in a different place. We decided to stop swaddling the girls and it was rough. They had a tough time sleeping. Also with daddy not staying with us, we had stand in night time help. Grandma Elaine helped one night and Papa Dale helped the other. Papa was good, except he broke the first rule of helping. He lost a pacifier. NEVER lose the pacifier, especially at night. I did forgive him because it was 3am.

Anyway, it was a great holiday! The girls are meeting so many milestones. Gracie is starting to roll from front to back! Lizzie is grabbing things. They both are eating their cereal and love it! It helps that we mix it with juice! See the slide show below of our fun time.