Friday, April 24, 2009

Fort Worth Botanical Gardens

Today was the girls appointment with the therapist, so we usually make a day of it. We went to their appointment and the girls are doing great! They tested to be at or above their adjusted age and even at their chronological age! That means they have caught up! We were so excited.

The next thing we did was take the girls to visit the nurses in the NICU. We saw several nurses and they all told us how cute the girls are.

Then, we decided to go to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. We had a great time walking around and seeing the pretty flowers and plants. Gracie likes the plants a little too much and every time we put her down she wanted to eat them. Below are some pictures of our day.

Butterfly chair

Lizzie in the grass

Gracie trying to eat the grass

The girls sitting in the grass

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Play time

The girls were playing together and I had to get a picture. They looked so cute.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Nana bought the girls these cute hats that match some cute outfits. The girls got a lot of new clothes from their aunt, grandma, and nana. We were so excited. Between family buying clothes and people giving us their baby clothes, Wes and I haven't really had to buy anything. It is hard to get the girls both looking up and smiling at the same time. It usually requires both of us and a lot of silly noises and faces.

Here the girls are in their Joe's shirts. No child with family from Oklahoma should be without their Joe's shirt. This is a special one for my uncle Tony who loves the Joe's shirt for its diversity. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, we went and took pictures of the girls in the bluebonnets. We always said that we wouldn't and made fun of the people we saw along side the road. But, there was a small stretch of them near the house and it looked like a safe place to park and put the girls down. They really liked the flowers and tried to pick them and eat them. Wes and I joked that they were going to get arrested.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009


Not only was this weekend Easter, but it was also the girls 10 month birthday. For their 10 month birthday, they got to try Cheerios and sippy cups. Both were very fascinating and fun. They loved to eat the Cheerios. They even got a few in their mouths on their own.

Easter was fun too. Grandma bought the grand kids bunny ears and they all put them on for pictures! They looked so cute.

Right now, whenever we go in somewhere Wes and I always discuss whether or not we are taking the car seats and/or stroller. Things we have to factor in the discussion are if the girls will fall asleep or stay wake, how much contact with other people we want them to have (if they are in the car seats people are less likely to touch), the location (will the car seats be too bulky for the location) and how long the walk is (the girls are getting heavy).

It was a cold wet Easter this year. Because church is a car seat location, Wes and I had to park far way from the door and walk carrying the heavy car seats. It was pouring rain when church got out. Wes was sick so I was elected to go get the car after church. I ran to the car and was totally soaked by the time I got there. Then I had to drive to the car port to pick them up. It took forever and put me in a very foul mood. Once we got back to the house, I dried my hair so we could take a family picture.

The girls in their Easter dresses and bunny ears.

Friday, April 10, 2009

First Easter

We are on our way to Grandma and Papa's for Easter. It should be really fun. I'm sure the girls will love watching Sydney and Sam collect eggs.

Wes and I always snack in the car which is very bad. We have already stopped for beef jerky and now we are getting fried pies.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Daddy is so funny

Wes and I were getting dinner ready for us and making baby food for the girls. When we cook, we pull the girls in to the kitchen because they like to watch us. I had stepped out of the kitchen and heard the girls laughing. I turned around and there was Wes jumping up and down and the girls thought this was the funniest thing. Both girls were laughing so hard. I grabbed the camera and made Wes jump up and down again. He was exhausted when we were done!