Friday, May 22, 2009

Random Pictures

As I mentioned in the last post, the girls had a busy week. I thought I would post a couple of pictures. We gave the girls avacados for the second time and they liked it. The first time, they didn't like it because of the texture. This time they loved it. Here is a picture of Lizzie eating.

We have a play yard in the middle of our living room that the girls play in. They seem to be quite happy. They are starting to learn that they can climb up it. Gracie likes to climb and then lick the wall. This is her trying to climb and lick.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Busy Week

This week has been very busy and won't stop until next Monday. On Sunday, we went on a picnic with some friends to the park. We had fun playing on the swings. Then on Monday, Nana Darlene came to visit. She leaves today. She and Wes went to the park Monday, went to the doctor because the girls have ear infections, finger painted yesterday, and are folded laundry today. The girls are having a great time!

The girls have had some firsts this week. They ate ground turkey and chicken that wasn't pureed. They are getting to be big girls. They are both fighting ear infections and been a little cranky. Gracie woke up last night around 3:00 and was very unhappy. We gave them Motrin and feed them. She fell back asleep.

The girls are also getting teeth. Lizzie is up to four and Gracie finally has one!

My sister and her family is coming for a visit. It should be really fun. The girls love Sydney and Sam. Then on Sunday, my parents are coming.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shopping Spree

Wes and I went on a shopping spree today for the girls. It was the kind of shopping I love best, free. We went to our local consignment shop and spent the last of the money we made off of our bassinets. We bought bassinets for the girls (way too expensive) thinking they would be in them for a while. Then we decided to co-bed the girls (put them in the same crib) and didn't need the bassinets anymore so, we sold them. Anyway, we had a good time picking out shorts for the girls. They have long pants but with 90 degree days, they need shorts!

One of our biggest challenges with the girls is getting them in and out of the car. It's a lot easier now that we leave the car seats in the car but it's still exhausting. Wes and I will not go somewhere just because we don't want to get the girls in the car. To make things even more fun, Gracie has decided that she doesn't want to sit still when you are trying to buckle her in. She wiggles and turns so it takes even longer.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

This was my first mother's day with the girls on the outside. Last year, I was about six months pregnant. Wes made it a great day. First, he woke me up with both girls telling me happy mother's day and gave me my card. The night before, he brought me flowers home from the grocery store. We got up and he made me breakfast while I showered. We got ready for church and then went out for lunch. We picked somewhere were we thought nobody would eat and we were right. Then we came home and I took a nap with the girls while he worked in the yard. After I got up, I went and helped him in the yard. Then the ice cream truck came by and Wes bought me ice cream! It was a really great day! Happy Mother's Day! Below are our mother's (and father's) day pictures.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another first

The girls were invited to their first birthday party for their friends Caleb and Trevor who are identical boy twins. The girls had a great time! We were a little worried because the girls took a very short morning nap and had no afternoon nap. They slept off and on today so they were cranky on the way there and cranky on the way home.

Anyway, the girls had their first experience with a ball pit. At first they just played with the balls and then we put them in. They did think it was fun and loved watching the other kids play. Below are action shots of Lizzie and Gracie playing together with the balls.

Our Girls and Dog

The girls think that the dog, Molly, is the funniest thing ever. They love to watch her and the cats to see what they are doing. They love to have Molly lick their face and hands. They stick their hands out for her and their face. If they are cranky and I let Molly in, the instantly start laughing. Here is video of the girls with Molly the other night.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I kept a journal for part of the time that the girls were in the NICU. I started it on day 17 and kept it up until the day they came home. I also wrote the story of the girls delivery.

I decided to back date the blog for those entries. I will be posting more as I get time but the first couple are there for you to read. The closer we get to the girls first birthday the more sentimental I get.