Friday, September 11, 2009

15 Months!

Today the girls turned 15 months old! It's hard to believe. This time last year they were tiny and we had to watch them while they ate. Now, they shovel food in their mouths as fast as they can.

They visited Dr. Jim today for their 15 month check up. Both girls are doing good and the biggest news is that they are on the charts in the positive numbers. It's a little stressful when the doctor told us they were in the negative percentiles.

The only problem is that Lizzie is a little under the weather. She's been running a low grade fever since yesterday and snotty. In fact, Wes went in at 10 and she was at 102. We decided it was time to go to Acute Kids just to be safe. So, he is taking Lizzie while I'm at home with Gracie. Hopefully Lizzie will feel better tomorrow. Poor baby.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day!

We had a great holiday weekend. Last year for Labor Day, we were still in lock down with the girls so we stayed at home and did nothing. I started back to work on the next Tuesday from maternity leave. This year was different. We traveled to Oklahoma and spent the weekend having fun.

While we were there, my sister gave up some more of her kids toys and the girls loved them! She brought them a toy piano and a ride on toy. Lizzie loved the piano and Gracie loved the ride on toy. Below is a picture of both girls on the toy.

The girls are trying to walk and talk more and more. They both are taking steps toward us without holding on to stuff. Also, they are saying more words. We can say ball, mama, dada, I love you, Molly (dog's name), Allie, Leo, (cats' name), cat, dog, and milk.

We had two other firsts. We took the girls to Chuck E Cheese for the first time and let them ride a couple of toys. Gracie loved it. Lizzie cried a little. We also finally stopped at the Texas rest stop and got a picture of the girls with the sign.

Me with Sydney and Sam

Lizzie and Gracie on the toy

Coming home with Molly

My little Texans
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Monday, August 31, 2009

The Park

When we go to the park, we always cause a scene. People always ask about the girls. This past weekend we went to the park and put the girls in the swing. So that we don't take up too many, we started putting them in the same swing with their backs to each other. They love it. They get to have mommy and daddy push them and be with each other.

When we went on Friday night, every one there made a comment like "What sweet babies", "Look mommy, babies", "Oh how cute". Wes and I aren't sure what to do. We don't know if we just smile and keep going, ignore the comments or start a conversation.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Family Bathrooms

I've always seen family bathrooms and was very curious. Before we had the girls, I have even asked Wes if he wanted to go in with me because we were "family". He always said no.

Anyway, today Wes and I took the girls to the mall. We had quite the adventure, eating, walking, the play area, and even a trip to the family bathroom. Wes and I have visited several with the girls. Mostly while I was nursing to feed the girls. Today both mommy and daddy had to go to the bathroom, so I was the lucky one and got to take them to the family bathroom. The one at the mall is cute. It has a little kid potty, a little kid sink, a little kid paper towel holder and even a little kid hand dryer. I was very impressed. It all went well until I had to flush the toilet. The girls cried because it made the loud whoosh sound.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fun Pictures

Wes and I are cheap. I've been wanting to get the girls pictures taken in Las Colinas where I work. It's a really pretty area and a great place for pictures. The only problem is that photographers are expensive. So, we decided to experiment with our camera and the free software from Picasa. I think the pictures turned out good. If we want to get print, I'll just send them to Wal-Mart and pick them up. Here are some of our favorites, what do you think?


Gracie and Lizzie

Gracie and Lizzie

Gracie and Lizzie


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Night night

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Last night, the girls slept in night gowns for the first time. They looked really cute. They are getting to be such big girls.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We took the girls their first wedding. Surprisingly, it went well. Like all good Methodist wedding ceremonies, it was short and sweet. We only had to keep the girls quite for 30 minutes.

The reception went well too. It was in the old Planet Hollywood in the West End. We were able to be upstairs in a room where we could let the girls play and crawl around. They had a really good time and loved playing with some of our old friends. Everyone else had babysitters so the girls were the center of attention. Of course they had each other so they were happy.