Sunday, August 8, 2010

Visit to OKC

We had an extremely busy week last week. It was week one of me being home with the girls. We spent it in Oklahoma City with my family. Wes had to travel for work so I decided to spend the week with my family.

We had a good week but I was incredibly exhausted. We saw great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and more cousins. The girls loved being with Sydney and Sam. They played in a spray park, they played in the water outside, they played in the sand, and we all sweated in the 100 degree heat!

Before Wes went out of town, we bought a new netbook for me. It's awesome. I downloaded Skype and Picasa and was able to post pictures and web chat with Wes. Two of the mornings, all the kids "called" Wes and they thought it was cool. Now every time I open it up, Lizzie says "Dada, Dada, Dada" thinking she'll see Wes.

I learned that even though you have more help, you are still running crazy after 2 little girls. We also had the dog with us so I was trying to keep track of her. I lost her twice. Fortunately, she is a good dog and stays close to the house.

Grandma and Papa came back with us to babysit while Wes and I went to a wedding. On the way back, Gracie told us that "Nydney at work" and "Am at Work". Those are her names for Sydney and Sam.

Well, now it's time to start week two of being at home. We have a couple of play groups this week and dinner with friends. I'm a little worried but I think I can handle it!

Here's a fun picture of Papa taking the kids for a ride on his tractor. Apparently this is an Oklahoma tradition!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Our Week and Important News

What a week we have had. Monday and Tuesday were normal work/school days for us.

Wednesday was rock n roll day at school and the girls dressed in rocker shirts. Of course I couldn't just buy a couple of t-shirts. I had to get iron ons. The iron ons didn't turn out exactly right so Wes had to cut BORN (for the BORN to Rock shirt) out of fabric and I stitched it on. I made hair clips out of tulle and by the end of the day they only came home with one. Which I figured were pretty good odds. Also, we wanted them to wear their boots but only Gracie would cooperate. That's why Lizzie is wearing the old man socks and shoes.

I know my little girls are angels but the halo effect was because it was very humid the day I took the pictures.Thursday work had a happy hour for me because two and a half weeks ago, I turned in my notice. I am now a stay at home mom! This is something that I have always wanted to do but never thought we'd be in a place to do. But, we decided to be poor and give it a shot. I'm really excited. I can't wait to do fun stuff with the girls! I have been with my company for 9 1/2 years. It was my first job out of grad school.

This is a picture of my best friend at work Stephanie. We have a lot of fun and always had "crafting lunch" where we would create whatever. We were a threesome but Karla (Soap Addict) decided to leave the corporate world in January to start her business. I'm gonna miss you Stephanie!

Friday (today) was my last day of work. Below is the lovely cake that they had for me. I really appreciated all the well wishes. Everyone at work was really sweet and told me they were jealous or that I would never regret the decision. Wes said he was worried because there would be 2 things I would miss dressing up for work and the social interaction. We'll see. Now my choices are flip flops or tennis shoes instead of heels or flats.

I'm looking forward to this next phase of my life and plan on having my girls play with all their multiple friends including Reese and Riley!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Splish, Splash

Today we took the girls to a splash pad in Frisco. It was really nice because I didn't have to put on a bathing suit! We got there mid morning when it opened and it was really nice. There was a breeze and it wasn't too hot. The girls had a blast. It only took a few minutes for Lizzie to warm up and start running around but Gracie was a little more hesitant. Finally, Wes took her through a couple of fountains and she was hooked.
The girls snagged a couple of the other kids toys and were playing in the water. The only issues we had were some dirty looks from some OU fans. Wes was wearing his OSU shirt and the girls were in orange bathing suits!

Playing with other kid's toys

Gracie playing

Playing with another kid's bucket

Gracie liked to sit on the water

Lizzie trying to catch water

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hawaiian Falls

Today, we took the girls with some friends to a water park called Hawaiian Falls. Our church was going, but we went early to beat the heat. The girls did really well. They loved the wave pool and splashing around in the water. We tried some of kiddie slides but the girls were still a little too small for them.

We were a bit worried about Lizzie because of her fear of pools, but she was fine. She could touch the ground and loved the waves crashing against her. Both girls had a great time, but were so exhausted they fell asleep in the car and then took a nice long nap at home.

It was still hot while we were there!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cooking with the girls

Tonight, we had a first. The girls "helped" me make chocolate chip cookies. We took two step ladders and I started the cookies while Wes did the dishes. The girls stood patiently on their stools and only fussed when they couldn't see what I was doing. They loved watching me stir the ingredients and when I sifted the flour I told them in was snowing. They both said snow and then we talked about the snow storm this past winter.

When the cookies were still baking we turned on the light and looked in the window and Wes counted down with them the last 10 seconds of the first batch. They were so excited about the whole process and loved eating the cookies. We all sat around the table eating our milk and cookies talking.

It was really fun to do with them because they understood what I was doing and what the outcome would be.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

On the Road

Over the July 4th holiday, we went on a road trip to Alabama to see Wes's side of the family. It is a 12 to 13 hour drive so we broke it up over 2 days each way. It was an adventure. Wes and I worried for weeks about having the girls trapped in the car. They have been know to scream the whole back from Oklahoma City to Dallas.

Anyway, we loaded up the car with snacks, toys, the dvd, and a couple of videos. It turned out way better than we expected. The girls slept, watched the movies (they watched Up several times), and played with their toys. They seemed to enjoy looking out the windows at all the passing cars.
The trip in Alabama was good too. We enjoyed seeing all the family and swimming in Tutu and Papa's pool. They also fell in love with Cousin Sean. He's 12 and they thought he was wonderful. Gracie would drag him around by the hand everywhere.

The girls also saw fireworks for the first time. We kept them up and sat in a Kroger parking lot to see them We knew it was a good spot to see them because the parking lot was full and the store was empty!

It was a great trip and it made me realize that my babies were growing up. They did so many big girl things.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Big Girl Beds

We put the girls in their big girl beds the day after their birthday party. The beds are antiques that were given to us by Wes's grandma Harris. One of them was the bed I slept on when I first went to visit his family in Alabama. That's when he announced he was getting engaged to me. The beds have always been special to me and I couldn't wait until the girls were big enough to sleep on them.

The girls were very ready for their beds. They have slept great in them for the last two weeks. The only issue we had was when Lizzie fell off the foot of the bed. She ended up with a pretty good shiner. We think she was trying to play with the radio and reached too far.

Night Night, Lizzie

Night Night, Gracie

Our beds

First time to sleep in the beds for Gracie

Lizzie's first time in the bed

In other news, we finally met with a pediatric pulmonologist. He changed Gracie from a nebulizer twice a day to a puffer once a day. Meaning for us, no more 10 minute breathing treatments twice a day, only one puff on an inhaler once a day. Yea! The doctor thinks that it's more of a virual issue so we won't really know the right course of treatment until cold and flu season starts around October.