Friday, February 10, 2012

A Week with Grandma and Papa

This past week, the girls spent with Grandma and Papa.When we celebrated Grandma Susie, the girls went home with Grandma and Papa. They spent a couple of days with them and then I came up to spend a couple more days. So, I got a bit of a break and the girls got to spend time with family. We all had fun and the girls were spoiled.For their Valentine's Day present, Grandma and Papa got them Rapunzel dresses. Lizzie and Gracie loved them! They wore them a lot and even took them to bed with them. The girls also altered "Momma and Sweetie" to "Grandma and Sweetie". So funny.

Playing princess

Playing on Momma's phone

Breakfast at Braum's. The girls got ice cream for breakfast.

Watching Cinderella

Papa reading stories to the princesses

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy 87th Grandma

Today, we celebrated my Grandma's birthday. We spent the moving her furniture around for her. We were all exhausted but it was good to see her. The girls were really loving on her which I know grandma loved.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yoga Week

This week was all about yoga. On Monday, we had dinner with my teacher, Shanon, and some of my yoga friends. Tuesday, we tried some yoga at home. The girls were too busy showing me poses to pay attention to what I wanted them to do. Wednesday, was kids yoga with Cheryl. The girls love her. Thursday, I taught my first private lesson to my friend Amy. I had so much fun and Amy was an awesome student.
At preschool yoga

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Snowflake Festival 2012

Every year, my twin group has a play date in the winter at Paradise Pond called the Snowflake Festival. Today, we had blast playing with all our friends. In the past, I have been exhausted afterwards because I was chasing the girls around. This year was different, the girls are big enough that they can do everything by themselves. I got to have several conversations with the other moms!
Playing with the doll houses

Climbing the rock wall.

Riding the roller coaster

Playing dress up with one of their besties, Anna

Riding the bikes
The girls played so hard (did I mention that we had a birthday party to go to first) that they took a nap without issues. It was a full morning but fun.

Friday, January 27, 2012

How Do We Spend A Friday Night?

This has been a crazy week. Wes spent the week in Mexico City and Guadalajara and we spent the week here. I'm always stressed while he is gone. He got back last night. Yay!

Tonight we had thrilling family night of Chinese food and Target. We tried a new restaurant and it was pretty good. The girls love lo mien and call it spaghettis. I love watching them try chopsticks.

It was a good moment. One that reminded you that life was good and to be grateful for your blessings. I am truly grateful for what I have.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Their New Obsession

Over Christmas, the girls discovered the phone and the many games they can play. Lizzie is always asking to play on it. They are getting better about sharing but it still takes some work.

The girls sharing the phone

Friday, January 20, 2012

Is this January?

Today, the weather was beautiful and the high was in the 70s. So, what do we do on a nice warm Friday in January?

Collect rocks from the rock garden.
And put them in our bucket.
Pose with your sister for Momma
Dance on the patio
Wear hats and act silly for lunch!