Thursday, May 10, 2012

Muffins for Moms

We have had a busy week. On Monday, we had lunch with my friend Stephanie. We met for tacos with the girls. It was really fun to see her! After nap, we went over to Amy's, Reese and Riley's house. She was sweet enough to have us to play and make us dinner. It was really fun. The girls love Reese and Riley's new house.

Tuesday, we were lucky enough to have Grandma and Papa stay with us for a few days. Grandma worked hard to get the toy room cleaned up.While we were cleaning, Papa was busy keeping the girls entertained so they wouldn't want to keep all their toys. The room looks great now. Lizzie got mad at Gracie for messing it up. So silly.

Thursday was Muffins for Moms at the girls school. Gracie has been telling me for about a week that she has a surprise for me but can't tell me. She has been busting at the seams to tell me about it. It turns out the girls made some special stuff for me, a letter, a picture and a painted tea pot. Lizzie and Gracie were so excited to go to school today that they were not too upset that Grandma and Papa were leaving.

Gracie - the band aids are for mosquito bites

Lizzie holding her flower pictures

The class after they performed their two songs

The girls filled in the blanks - Lizzie's

Gracie's responses
It was fun to see what the girls had to say about their momma and their excitement to share. So excited, they couldn't eat their muffins until after they sang their songs. They are getting to be such big girls.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Love Family Time

This weekend, we went to Oklahoma to help celebrate my cousin Chris's graduation. He graduated with a PhD. We missed the actual ceremony, but was able to celebrate anyway. We stayed one night with my sister and one with my mom.

Yesterday, we had a big family day. We got to see my aunts and uncles. My uncle Tony has been busy scanning in tons and tons of family pictures and shared the files with me. He had some pictures that my grandfather had taken of Oklahoma State University back in the 1920s. So fun to see the changes. We made a stop at Grandma and Grandpa Potter's house for a visit and the girls showed off (like always).
OSU Campus and City of Stillwater, OK

OSU Campus buildings. Recognize any?
 Today, we celebrated with my cousin and met baby Dawson. Such a sweet baby! So glad we finally got to meet him. Soon, he will be playing with the big kids (can't believe the girls will be the big kids).
The big kids

Silly Lizzie

Sweet Gracie (she doesn't always look this sweet)
In other news, we have been having a battle over bed time. Both girls are fighting it like crazy. Yesterday, they both SCREAMED at my parents house for nap time. Mom finally went in and laid with them until they fell asleep. I'm hoping that they will soon return to my good nappers and sweet girls.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Program

Today was the Spring Program at the girls school. They sang two songs. This morning, I wasn't sure if we would make it to school. Lizzie kept having melt downs and I never thought I would get her to stop crying. I was exhausted by the time I dropped them off.
Sitting in the pew waiting for their turn for pictures

Still patiently waiting

The class with the teacher
The girls did really well and did a lot of the sign language with the songs and sang. It makes me really excited for the girls to join choir next year.

Also, I thought I would throw in this video. I haven't posted a video in a while.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What a Saturday!

Today was a busy day for us. In the morning, we had a play day with our twin group, MPOM. I was hosting so I ran to the store this morning to get the snacks. We had a great time and the girls played well.
The girls waiting patiently
 Each time we have a big play date, we try and get a picture of the whole group. This is always a challenge because at least one kid isn't in the mood to get a picture taken.

Its a little blurry.
After the play date, we had lunch and all of us took a nap. After nap, we had dinner and then ran out the door again to a concert at church.

The concert was a benefit for Imagine No Malaria. It's an organization from the United Methodist Church that wants to eliminate malaria in Africa. Its a great organization and is already making huge progress in just a year or two. Emily Elbert, who grew up in our church, played an amazing concert. She has such talent and such passion. She has traveled the world and experienced much in a short time. At one point, she had her dad come up on stage and play the keyboard while she sang. It was so beautiful.

The girls were in the nursery and the workers brought them in to hear a couple of songs. Gracie was mesmerized. After it was over, she wanted to meet Emily. Emily was so sweet to her.

Emily Elbert

Emily with Wes and the kiddos
She was so kind and sharing. It was an awesome concert. So glad that my job allows me to do such fun stuff!

Here's a video off of You Tube.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Is This a Twin Thing?

Since the girls started playing with baby dolls, they have always put two to a stroller or two to a bed. I've always found it interesting. Sometimes they will even say something like, look mommy I'm just like you or it's like me and sissy.

I'm not sure if singletons play the same way or not. But I think it still shows the special bond that these two little girls have. It's like I've always said, raising twins is like a social and science experiment.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Comparisons Spring 2009 to Spring 2012

Each spring, I am reminded my babies are closer to another birthday. Because the girls were so premature, spring was the time we were able to breath a little easier with less illness going around. We tried until that time to minimize the amount of time that girls were really in public. 

Anyway, we've recenty done a couple of things to remind me of that time three years ago when the girls were about 10 months old. First was the butterfly chair at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. The first time, the girls were so little that I had to hold them. The other was our annual bluebonnet picture. This year we took the pictures in the same location as we did three years ago.

The butterfly chair - Gracie on the left and Lizzie on the right
Sweet little babies. Lizzie on the left and Gracie on the right

Three years later - Lizzie on the left and Gracie on the right

The bluebonnet spot - Lizzie, left and Gracie, right
I can't believe how far we have come. I thought we would never get through that first rough year, little to no sleep, Wes' layoff and caring for two premature babies with all their difficulties. We survived and have two sweet little girls.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend

Wes had Friday off (Good Friday), so we left that morning to go to Oklahoma for Easter. We arrived in time for lunch and then went over to my sister's for an Easter egg hunt with her friends. The big kids were so sweet with the little kids. The big girls let my girls play with them and made the girls feel so special. We had a great time.
Blowing bubbles with our new friend Liam

Gracie and her haul

Lizzie and her basket

Negotiations on trading candy

Examining the stash

Looking for tadpoles with Daddy. Love.

On Saturday, we met up with Wes' grandparents Potter for lunch and then went to their house for a visit. Nana drove in from Arlington to spend Easter with us. It was nice to have everyone together. That night, the kids dyed Easter eggs. The tradition in our house is for all the kids to take off their clothes and put on Papa's t-shirts, so they don't get dye on their clothes. They look like four ghosts. The girls had different approaches to dying the eggs. Gracie would plop the egg in, wait a second and pull them out. Lizzie would put it in, wait a few minutes, check it and then put the egg back in the same color again. 
With Nana at lunch

At Grandma and Papa Potter's. Wes climbed this tree as a kid.

Climbing trees

Grandpa Potter and his babies

Grandma Potter with Gracie

Grandma Potter with Lizzie
Snuggling with Aunt Laura while the for dying eggs to boil

Grandma loves dying eggs as much as the kids

Pulling the eggs out

Patiently waiting

Sunday, the girls woke up (Ok, I woke them up) excited to see what was in their Easter basket. They loved it. They looked for Easter eggs in the house and were really excited to put on their Easter dresses for church. We went to church with my family and then came home for lunch. My cousins, Chris and Angie, came over for lunch. The kids played and then after lunch it was time for the hunt. They had a blast. It was the first year that no one needed help looking and finding eggs.

Looking for eggs in the morning

Pretty girls in pretty dresses

the pretty girls and handsome boy


Nana and the girls

The hunt

Looking for eggs

Look what I have

Where else could they be?

Happy kids with full baskets
Grandma and Papa with the girls
Easter was a lot of fun this year and very meaningful. So thankful for everything we have.