Thursday, September 8, 2016

Back to School, Third Grade!

Well, summer ended and school started. The girls couldn't wait to find out who their teachers were and who was in their class. They were so excited about meet the teacher night and see their new classroom. I couldn't get them to leave the school!

When the first day came, Grace was sick. She missed the first day of school and I missed walking Lizzie to her first day. Wes took her and sent me photos. By the second day, Grace was well and on her way. They both have really great teachers and have friends in their class. I think I get more nervous than they do.

Waiting to get into the school for meet the teacher
When sissy is sick, daddy gets you donuts.
Lizzie sitting at her new desk
Crazy girl
First day that both of them went to school

Walking into school
Grace happy to be in school
They've been in school for three weeks now and are settling. They love school and are working hard!

Winding Summer Down

August was a busy month for us! We had a great summer and we had fun up until school started! 

One Friday night, we went to the Fort Worth Stockyards for the Stockyards Rodeo. We had a great time. It was raining that night but good thing the rodeo is inside! After the rodeo, we went to look at some of the horses. There were a couple in the pen and the owners came out and let us pet their horses. They even gave the girls their competition numbers! The girls loved it. Their favorite sport is the barrel racing. They love to watch the women on the horses.  
Waiting for the rodeo to start
Petting the horses
The girls with the numbers
Right before school started, the girls and I spent a couple of days in Oklahoma. We visited family and had a great time.

Making a cake with their cousin
Me, my niece, my sister and my mom
I think I was more sad that August was ending than the girls. I'm wasn't ready for them to go back to school. I enjoy the time that we have together. They were ready though!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Cousin Fun!

Last week, my niece and nephew stayed with us last week! We had a great time. So good, in fact, Lizzie cried after they left because she missed them so much.

The first day, we went swimming at our swim teacher's house, Marci. The kids loved the dogs. The dogs loved barking and swimming with the kids.

 The next day we went to Bonkers. The kids had a blast and ran around for a while. After Bonkers, my niece made us lunch. It was delicious.

The third day they were here, we went to the Charming Cat Cafe. It is a great place that lets you pet (and adopt) cats. There were tons of cats and kittens that we loved. Everyone loved it. I think it was the highlight of their visit.

Between activities, there was lots of play time at the house. Even though there is a bit of an age gap between the kids, they love and play really well together. It is so fun to watch.

Sometimes it takes a little coaxing for the older kids to play. But if you tell her she can spray the other kids with the hose, she is more than willing. The kids all loved it! It was a great way to cool off on a hot summer day.

Their last full day here, we went to the Fort Worth Stockyards. It is a favorite place of ours. The kids made their way through the maze, we ate lunch and looked around for a bit. It was hot but we had fun anyway.

We loved having Sydney and Sam with us! It was so fun and something that they will hopefully always remember. It was a week of staying up late, doing fun things and watching TV together.