We spent this Thanksgiving in Alabama with Wes's family. The girls got to meet a lot of family for the first time! This was also the girls first time to go on a plane. It was an adventure. The only bad thing was that both girls were either teething or had a cold and a little cranky.
We flew American and they didn't let us pre-board on the way there. They told Wes we could board after first class. So here we are with 5 carry-ons, two babies, and two car seats. Wes was hitting people with all of his bags. The first flight attendant was really snotty to us. Other passengers got up and helped us. On the way back, Wes got a pass for his mom to come back and help. He found out we were supposed to pre-board. The flight back was fine. Lizzie slept and Gracie was awake.

The girls at DFW. We took our bags and made a little play pen for them.
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