Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Madest I Have Ever Been......For Now

Today, I was really angry with the girls. We went to church for my women's group. The girls stayed in the nursery and while I was in my group. I picked the girls up, Gracie beg for her sucker and they took forever to put on their coats.

We walked out of the nursery area and I stopped to talk to some of the women. The girls ran off to pay in the drinking fountain. I talked for a bit and then went to get them. They stalled to leave (a good tactic they have been perfecting) and of course I was begging them to leave. Finally, I picked up Gracie and Lizzie soon followed.

We finally get out of the church and are walking to the car. I have them both by the hand and finally get to the car. I put Gracie in and Lizzie starts going around the car and onto the curb. She starts running to the busy street. So, I'm dragging Gracie and my purse. Then I see a big SUV that wants to park. I panic drop Gracie in the dirt and finally catch Lizzie. At this point my adrenaline and embarrassment are flowing.

I drag both girls back to the car, give Lizzie and Gracie a stern talking to and deny them their sucker. I call Wes and tell him that he needs to come home for lunch because I am so angry. I lecture them the whole way home while Gracie is crying because she wants her sucker. Finally, she gets that the sucker is a no go.

When we get home, the girls act as good as they can. They know that mommy is very upset. Lizzie at lunch was trying to do all her cute faces to make mommy happy (ironically the face she was giving me was the mean face).

On another note, the girls are perfecting their silly faces. Lizzie has the mean face and Gracie has the surprise face.

The "Mean Face"

The "Surprise Face"

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