Monday, May 16, 2011


The girls are almost 3 (one month away!) and have more things that they are saying and doing. I just wanted to get some of them down. Of course, I think they are the smartest, cutest things ever. You may or may not agree. :)
  • I ask Lizzie to put on her shoes and she says, "No mama, just foots" meaning barefoot.
  • Gracie talks on her "phone" (which could be a doll, a block, or any other random toy). She presses on it and then says "Helwo, Grama". When I ask her who she is talking to she holds up one finger and says "just one minute mama".
  • When we are in the car, Lizzie says "turn on the noogget" meaning music. At first Wes and I thought she wanted candy.
  • When I leave for yoga, Lizzie says "yogit mama?"
  • In the mornings, I like to tease the girls and crawl in one of the beds and say night night. They always say "no mama time to wake up"
  • I asked them yesterday if Olivia the Pig was a pig and they told me no.
  • Gracie had her baby doll in the car and told me it was crying. I told her to burp it, so she turned to the baby and said "burp baby". I then demonstrated how to burp a baby.
  • Gracie now says in the car - "are we there yet" and then once we get "there", she says "we're here, we're here".
  • They both ask every morning, "what we doin' today, mama?".

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