Thursday, August 23, 2012


Lately, the girls have been playing Barbie. So far, they have made Grandma and Wes play with them. It is their favorite thing to do. They will play for hours with them. The girls take after their aunt and myself. My sister and I loved Barbie as kids and would play with them forever. We had a screened in porch and every summer that's where we spent a lot of our time with our Barbie pool, Barbie car and a doll house my dad made.

Barbie in a toilet paper roll
This cracked me up the other day. Fairy Barbie in a toilet paper roll on the back of the toilet. I asked Gracie why she did it. She told me she didn't want Barbie to fall into the toilet and she figured she wouldn't fall off this way. Amazing how their minds work.

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