Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pool's Open

Lizzie and Gracie have been enjoying their kiddie pool lately. We have had a hot spring, so we have been out there a lot. The girls love to play with the hose by watering everything, including each other. They take turns so every few minutes, I hear "is it my turn yet, momma?".  It reminds me of when my sister and I were little. We loved the summer and playing in the water.
Getting ready to squirt each other

Downward dog in the pool to get her hair wet

We have been going to a preschool yoga class lately and the girls are really into it. They know the sun salutation and can do the whole thing. I will call it out and they will do all the poses. I think their favorite pose is downward dog and any variation. They will get in the pose and then kick one foot up and then the other. Hope they keep up the enjoyment. It makes me happy.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

We spent our Memorial Day weekend in Oklahoma with family. On Saturday, we went to the Cowboy Hall of Fame's annual Chuck Wagon event. It was fun. We did a wagon ride, the girls did some crafts, rode a pony, ate some cowboy food and listen to cowboys singing. 

On the wagon
Wearing the bandanas that they decorated
Lizzie and Wes riding the pony
Gracie with Grandma

On Sunday, my aunt Betty and cousins' came over for lunch. I finally got to spend some time with baby Dawson. He was so cute!

The kids got to play in the water, go for a ride with Papa on the tractor and have so much fun. It was really fun!
Papa taking the kids for a ride in the tractor
Fun early birthday presents from Angie, Chris, Kassidy and Dawson
Sydney loved holding sweet baby Dawson

Today, Monday, we went to see Grandma and Grandpa Potter. Grandpa gave the girls a ride in his wheel barrow and the girls asked grandma a million questions about her flowers. It was a great weekend with lots of family fun. Our summer has begun!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes!

Today was the last day of school for Lizzie and Gracie. This was the first year of preschool for them and they loved it. They seemed so little when they started and now they are big girls. We watched they grow so much both physically and mentally. Next year will be their last preschool year and then it's on to kindergarten. Wow, time flies.

To show the differences, I thought I would show pictures of the first day of school vs. today.

Daddy and his girls
 This one is from today, it was the best I got because they were in a hurry to get into the classroom.

Standing by their names
Something really nice that the teacher did is make a scrapbook for all the kids. It has pictures in it from the year. It was nice to see what they did and learned throughout the year. Now, we start our summer.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Duck Pond Field Trip

Today was field trip day at the girls preschool. The girls only have one more day of school this year. We arrived at school and then walked a few blocks to the duck pond.

Waiting at the church to start walking
 The girls girls walked like this with their little friend all the way to the park. It made it really hard for us all to fit on the sidewalk. Their teacher gave them all duck hats. The kids all loved them and put them on immediately.

At the park
 As soon as we got to the park, all the kids started running for the pond. The ducks all hightailed it to the other side of the pond. These ducks decided they weren't hungry enough to mess with these crazy kids in their yellow hats. The kids didn't care. They took their bread and threw it at them anyway. If there weren't any ducks, the kids threw the bread on the ground, water or each other.

This pond also has a wonderful playground. After the kids were done harassing the ducks, they moved on to play.
Apparently, preschoolers love to put the entire bottle in their mouth
 The kids stopped playing for a bit to have a snack. After snack, they ran back to the playground to play some more. While we were at the playground, I ran into one of my fellow twin mamas with her sweeties. So fun!
Snack time

Wes and I tag teamed this adventure. I had a meeting at work so he came to the park and walked back with the kids. We both enjoyed being with the girls. I did worry the entire time that the girls were going to fall into the water. The girls also loved running into two different directions.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Going for a Walk

After dinner tonight, we went for a walk. First, we loaded up with bug spray because all of us Potters are notorious for attracting mosquitoes. The poor girls have bites up and down them. 

So, we set off all smelling of citronella. The girls and the dog were excited. Its nice now, the girls can walk without a stroller or holding our hands the entire time. We have to remind them when crossing streets to hold hands.

Running down the sidewalk hand in hand

Funny how they are looking in  different directions

Hurry up mom and dad (notice Grace's band aids - for mosquito bites)
It was nice to be out and a fun walk for us. The entire walk, Gracie was telling me she was thirsty and needed ice cream when she got home. Lizzie told us we needed to get home because the "mosquito bites" were out. Funny, how their little minds work.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Muffins for Moms

We have had a busy week. On Monday, we had lunch with my friend Stephanie. We met for tacos with the girls. It was really fun to see her! After nap, we went over to Amy's, Reese and Riley's house. She was sweet enough to have us to play and make us dinner. It was really fun. The girls love Reese and Riley's new house.

Tuesday, we were lucky enough to have Grandma and Papa stay with us for a few days. Grandma worked hard to get the toy room cleaned up.While we were cleaning, Papa was busy keeping the girls entertained so they wouldn't want to keep all their toys. The room looks great now. Lizzie got mad at Gracie for messing it up. So silly.

Thursday was Muffins for Moms at the girls school. Gracie has been telling me for about a week that she has a surprise for me but can't tell me. She has been busting at the seams to tell me about it. It turns out the girls made some special stuff for me, a letter, a picture and a painted tea pot. Lizzie and Gracie were so excited to go to school today that they were not too upset that Grandma and Papa were leaving.

Gracie - the band aids are for mosquito bites

Lizzie holding her flower pictures

The class after they performed their two songs

The girls filled in the blanks - Lizzie's

Gracie's responses
It was fun to see what the girls had to say about their momma and their excitement to share. So excited, they couldn't eat their muffins until after they sang their songs. They are getting to be such big girls.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Love Family Time

This weekend, we went to Oklahoma to help celebrate my cousin Chris's graduation. He graduated with a PhD. We missed the actual ceremony, but was able to celebrate anyway. We stayed one night with my sister and one with my mom.

Yesterday, we had a big family day. We got to see my aunts and uncles. My uncle Tony has been busy scanning in tons and tons of family pictures and shared the files with me. He had some pictures that my grandfather had taken of Oklahoma State University back in the 1920s. So fun to see the changes. We made a stop at Grandma and Grandpa Potter's house for a visit and the girls showed off (like always).
OSU Campus and City of Stillwater, OK

OSU Campus buildings. Recognize any?
 Today, we celebrated with my cousin and met baby Dawson. Such a sweet baby! So glad we finally got to meet him. Soon, he will be playing with the big kids (can't believe the girls will be the big kids).
The big kids

Silly Lizzie

Sweet Gracie (she doesn't always look this sweet)
In other news, we have been having a battle over bed time. Both girls are fighting it like crazy. Yesterday, they both SCREAMED at my parents house for nap time. Mom finally went in and laid with them until they fell asleep. I'm hoping that they will soon return to my good nappers and sweet girls.