Saturday, February 2, 2013


When you have twins, its hard to have one-on-one time. From day one, there are two babies to take care of and give equal attention. Every twin mom I talk to has the same concern, is enough individual attention give to each child?

That being said, every time I have the opportunity to spend one-on-one time is a treat. Luckily, I've had that time. It presents itself through a trip to the doctor, snuggle time before sister wakes up, a trip to the store or any number of different ways. It may be for just a few seconds or a couple of hours. During those times, the girls individual personalities really come out.

Sweet Gracie
Gracie loves to sing, dance and just be creative. Coloring, drawing or cutting makes her happy. Also, she has her own dance moves and makes up songs. Its fun to see what she will come up with next. She makes up karate moves and "super power" moves. As I tell everyone, she is self taught. She loves to watch others to learn from them.

Lovely Lizzie
Lizzie is a chatter box. She loves to talk, a trait she gets from Grandma. She loves learning and wants everything to be orderly. She is cuddly and loving. She will come up to give you a hug and a kiss. Also, she likes to take care of people. When Wes goes to work or we leave my parents, she tells them, "don't go fast, or go through red lights, look both ways, don't get hit by a car or get a ticket".

Both girls are so independent and sweet. Wes and I really blessed to have such good girls. We are thankful every day, even on the days when we are most challenged by their independence. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Family Time

This past weekend, the girls and I went Oklahoma to visit family. We went for two reasons, one to see the family and two to help move my aunt Betty to a nursing home. She was diagnosed with cancer right before Christmas. Her prognosis is not good and we as a family are grieving. My aunt has always been special to us. She was more like a grandmother than just an aunt.

Betty with her "kids" at Christmas time
Waiting on Grandma between errands

Gracie playing with the Molly while waiting for Grandma

Crazy Cousins eating yummy Mexican

Putting on a puppet show
The girls had fun playing with their cousins. They had a few questions but there will be more to come.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Our New Favorite Show

As a kid, one of the shows I remember watching is Mister Rogers Neighborhood. It was one of my favorites. I love watching him and going into the "Land of Make Believe" with Trolley. I was so excited when I learned that they were making an animated version "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood".

After the first time of watching, the girls were in love. I knew they liked it but didn't realize how much or what impact it was making on them. The first time I realized it was after Lizzie got really angry with Gracie and hit her. After timeout, I was talking to her about why she did it and how she could handle it in the future. Then she quoted Daniel Tiger, "When you feel so mad that you want to ROAR, Take a deep breath and count to four. 1…2…3…4…" Now I hear this several times a week.

After watching an episode of Daniel writing a letter to his dad, Gracie wanted to send one to her dad. She got some paper and wrote on it, folded it up, licked it and told me to put it in the mail box. "Making something is one way to say “I love you.”"

Sharing is big in my house and we hear this one A LOT. "You can take a turn, and then I'll get it back."

It cracks me up when I hear this one, "When you have to go potty, STOP… and go right away.  Flush, wash…and be on your way!"

The girls will watch the same episode over and over again. They love it. Its funny to hear them quoting a little tiger. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas 2012

What did the Potters do for Christmas? We traveled to Oklahoma City and spent 9 days with my family. Our time there was good and bad. My aunt has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Christmas Eve was her first chemo treatment. We took turns spending time with her during her treatment. The week was rough for her. We spent a lot of time trying to help her through this.
My aunt Betty with her "kids"

We did have some bright spots to keep our spirits up. Because we were expecting some snow on Christmas Day, we exchanged gifts with my sister and her family on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day, the snow was not as much as expected but it was nice. The girls loved all their presents. Poor Lizzie was sick most of the week with a cold.

Grandma reading "The Night Before Christmas"

Christmas morning, playing with the Dora House in Papa's t-shirt

Gracie playing in the snow! She loved it.

Lizzie and Gracie playing
Sydney, my niece, has been growing her hair out for a while to donate. She finally had it long enough to get it cut! She was so excited to have it cut and even more excited she was helping someone receive a wig.
Before we left to get it cut

Getting ready for the chop!

So cute!
The final activity our Christmas break was to spend time with my dad's family. Each year, we celebrate Christmas the weekend after Christmas. We had a good time even though we missed my aunt who couldn't make it.
The girls playing with baby Dawson

Kassidy, Angie, Gracie, Lizzie, baby Dawson

My dad and two of his brothers

My cousin Chris and Dawson

Wes and the girls
The week was full of mixed emotions with concern over my aunt and then the joy of Christmas.We will remember this Christmas for a long time.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

More Christmas

We had another weekend of Christmas fun. The girls love all parts of Christmas, the decorations, the lights and most important learning of baby Jesus. Its fun to watch them take it all in.

On Saturday, I took Gracie to a birthday party and Lizzie went with Wes to Home Depot. Both girls had fun. When Gracie and I were done with the party we met up with Wes and Lizzie to get ice cream. After ice cream, Lizzie wanted to go ice skating. Wes and I thought the Galleria would be fun to skate around the Christmas tree. Apparently, everyone in the metroplex had the same idea. The mall was so crowded and traffic was crazy. Somehow, Wes was able to find a parking spot. When we got to the ice skating rink, it was packed. The line was long and we were told it was a 30 minute wait. After waiting a while and talking Gracie out of skating, we looked at the decorations in the mall. As we were headed out, Slappy's Holiday Circus was going to start soon. Because we had no where to be, we stayed to watch. It was great! The girls loved every minute of it.
Pretending to ice skate around a smaller tree

Ready for the next Olympics in ice dancing?

It took a lot for them to sit next to this Santa
That night, we met with with Nana and went to Grapevine. Again, everyone in town decided to be there too. We fought lots of people but had a fun time. Lizzie and Gracie loved the little village they had set up.

Sunday was another big day. We had church in the morning. Then that afternoon, we went caroling with our Sunday school class at a rehab facility near the house. We had 23 people show up including kids. We had a really fun time and the residents there seem to really enjoy our singing. We aren't experts but had tons of fun anyway. After singing, we went to dinner. It was a great experience and the kids all loved it! We had a couple of people request songs. One man asked if we could sing to his wife. He asked for Silent Night and sang along with us. I could tell it meant a lot to him and brought some joy to their day.
Check it out Shaun, you made the blog! :)

They even stopped bingo so we could sing

Our last adventure of the day was a trip to see Santa. Every year, we visit this Santa. This year was a big year for the Potters. Lizzie and Gracie walked right up to Santa and sat on his lap. Amazing progress for two little girls who were terrified of him last year.
Lizzie and Gracie with Santa
Gracie with Santa
Lizzie with Santa
This has been a really fun year for Christmas. The girls really get what's going on and understand more and more about celebrating Jesus' birthday. One of my favorite parts of the week was the peanut Jesus that Gracie made. She was so proud of it. Also, the girls really love looking at the nativity. They understand more and more about the Christmas story.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Program

Today was the girls Christmas program at school. They were so cute and did a great job. The girls were a couple of sheep. They sang three songs. Their teachers put them close so we could see both of them.

The scene

The Christmon tree. I love looking at it

The stars of the show

Silly face

Sweet Gracie


After the show

sweet sisters

At the reception

Tummies full of cookies

Last year, Wes was traveling for work and missed the program. I'm so happy he could make it this year!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merry Christmas from the Potters!

Here is our Christmas card. Each year I only publish it electronically.  


I hope you have a joyful Christmas and take a chance to celebrate Christ's birth. 

Merry Christmas, 
The Potter