Friday, July 15, 2011

The Terrible 3s

Well, we thought we were through the worst but 3 has started off worse than 2 ever was. It seems that the minute they turned 3 they became more difficult. We started with whining and throwing huge fits.

A couple of weeks ago, Wes and I went to Target to get some stuff. We all went in, got one cart and put the girls in the basket. The girls acted up a little while we shopped but when it came time to check out the girls melted down and were screaming while we walked out. Wes and I pretended not to notice that it was our kids screaming.

Because we are stupid people and don't learn our lessons, we head back to Target a week or so later. This time, the girls want to "walk" and not sit in the cart. They both start running in opposite directions and Lizzie pushes the limit and LAYS on the NASTY Target floor (laying on the floor and throwing fits is her new thing, lovely). Wes takes both of them out of the store for a time out. They all come back in and we go to check out again. Lizzie is messing with the end of the cashier stand and TURNS ON the conveyer belt. I quickly turn it off but not before the cashier notices and gives me the DIRTIEST look. I think I better get use to that.

Today was no exception. We were suppose to meet friends at the mall to play. I try 3 times to get Gracie to pee and poop in the potty. No luck on either which means I could get a surprise at any moment. I finally get the Gracie dressed and her hair fixed. Then its Lizzie's turn. I get her dressed but when it comes time to fix her hair she flips out and won't let me. I end up putting her in time out, shut the door and tell her we are leaving. Finally I get her hair done. We are now 20 minutes late to our play date. I know, I know, I should have let the hair go. The problem was that it was half fixed. She only had one pig tail.

To end the day the same as it started, we took the girls up to Wes's work for a party. Lizzie throws a temper tantrum about 10 minutes after we get there. Wes takes her to time out and she calms down. In the 2 hours that we are there, the girls spill 2 glasses of water, run around crazy and Lizzie throws another fit over dessert. She has 3 choices and wants all of them and none of them at the same time. To time out again she goes, when she comes back she is still whiny but finally picks one and eats it. At this point, I'm terribly embarrassed for myself and Wes. As we leave, everyone tells us how sweet the girls were. HA HA!

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