Monday, December 10, 2012

2nd Sunday of Advent

This Sunday was so busy! We had a great day. Our first activity of the day was the Cookie Jamboree. It is a really event that the United Methodist Women put on where they bake and sell cookies. The girls were so excited about picking out their cookies.
Can't wait for cookies!

Daddy paying and getting the box

Yummy donuts before heading to Sunday school
 During the service, the girls sang with the other four year olds. They did a great job. Its so cute to see them sing. For more singing, we attended the Christmas Pops at our church. It was so fun and a great success!
Waiting for the show to start

Nana and Lizzie
The girls did really well through the shows. It was so much fun!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Getting into the Spirit!

This past week started our Christmas activities. All week, we looked at Christmas lights in the evenings. Put up our inside decorations. Then this weekend, we had more fun with several activities.

On Saturday, Wes and the girls put up all the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. The girls loved helping him. The lights look good, I'll have to take a picture later. That night, we went to the Christmas parade and then a live Nativity. The girls were fascinated by the Nativity.

On Sunday, we started Advent at church. That afternoon, we went to the Birthday in Bethlehem. The girls got to be "wise men" in the Nativity and were dressed the part. That evening, we had our Sunday school party. Lots of really yummy food and fellowship.

Our fun clothes

Playing the part of wise men

So cute
We are ready to have a fun month of Christmas activities!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We had a really fun Thanksgiving. We traveled to Oklahoma to see family. The girls had a great time playing with their cousins! We were there from Wednesday and through Sunday. For my birthday, I got a new camera and I took a ton of pictures.

We left Wednesday morning and had lunch with my family.

Gracie on the car ride to OKC

Lizzie and Molly (our dog) in the back

Grandma and Papa with all their "babies"
Thursday, we had a house full of people at my mom and dad's. I think my mom said about 20 people. We had a ton of fun and ate lots of yummy food. The girls were lucky and Nana got to come too.
Ready for Thanksgiving

Kids are ready to eat

Cousins playing in the leaves

My sister, Laura, and I

Look how big Dawson is getting!
On Friday, my sister and I met up with Angie, our cousin, and did some shopping and had breakfast. It was fun. Also, we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Potter.
Gracie and Grandma Potter

The girls playing with Grandpa Potter

Lizzie and Grandma Potter
Saturday was a really special day! It was my birthday! I had a good birthday. My family took us to a Mexican restaurant that we hadn't been to and it was yummy. After lunch, we visited with my Grandma and Aunt Betty and did a little more shopping. Wes made pumpkin muffins and grilled steaks for dinner. It was a great birthday!
Laura, Gracie, my mom and Grandma

On my birthday
Today, we had lunch at my sisters and the kids played. They had so much fun. Gracie loves to let my sister's dog Roscoe climb all over her. The dogs love their play time together.
Molly and Roscoe

Having fun with the dogs

Wrestling Roscoe

Sam and Lizzie

Sydney and Gracie
 It was a fun weekend and busy weekend. Now, the girls are excited about Christmas. We put up our tree as soon as we got home.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fall Pictures

Again this year, we had our pictures taken with Allison during the mini session with my twin group. She does such a great job and we are always pleased with our pictures. Here are some of them.

Love them!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cinderella vs. Santa Claus

Its the time of year for Santa Claus to make his appearance at the malls for Christmas. We saw him this past weekend and for the fourth year, the girls don't want anything to do with him. All they want to do is stare at him from a distance and not get too close.

You would think that with two little girls scared of Santa, they wouldn't like any character dressed up or even scary Halloween costumes. They love Halloween and were not even scared of the big kids dressed in their costumes.
Cinderella with all the girls

I was encouraged this year when Cinderella showed up at a birthday party we attended. The girls loved her. I thought, maybe this was the year for Santa. But, I think I was wrong. Do you see my girls on the front row, listening to everything Cinderella says? Each year, I waste my money on getting a Santa picture that may or may not include both girls. This year probably won't be any different.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

The girls had a great Halloween. We started off with costumes for school. They were so excited to wear their clothes. However, Gracie thought she was going to get to trick-or-treat all day. When I told her that she had to wait until night-time, she was not happy.

Cheerleader and fairy princess
While the girls were at school, I ran to Marshall's and found Halloween costumes for $5 each. I surprised them after school. So, that's what they wore last night.

Little princess and witch
Lizzie as a witch

Gracie as a princess
The gang

I call this bored model pose.......

The last few Halloweens; we meet up with some friends, have dinner and go trick-or-treating. It is always fun! Of course, I get three pictures of the girls before my camera battery dies and have to use my phone.

While we were walking, one of our friends asked Gracie if she was going to eat some candy when we got back. Gracie's response, "Only one piece before bed or I'll get a tummy ache". I have no idea where she heard that. We got home late and they went to bed pretty well. The only thing missing was Wes. He was out of town for work and missed all our fun!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

More Fall Fun!

This weekend was full of more festivities for us. We had a couple a birthday parties and some Halloween parties.

On Friday, we had our yoga Halloween party. It was really fun. The girls had blast. They wore some of their dress up clothes and loved it.

Getting ready
Butterfly pose
Listening to Ms Cheryl  

 On Saturday, we had our twin club Fall Festival. It was really cold but really fun.The kids played on the playground and then ran around the pumpkins. We have gone to the same patch for three years.

Picture of all the twins
"Ring around the rosie....."
Two little girls that wouldn't cooperate for pictures
We had two birthday parties in addition to the fall parties. It was a fun but busy weekend.