Friday, August 20, 2010

Color, Color

The girls love to color. They are always pulling out their coloring book and crayons to color. They have been know to color on their toys, walls, themselves or furniture. We have to restrict them to coloring at their table.
Lizzie hard at work
Lizzie smiling for the camera
Gracie smiling for the camera
Gracie's funny face
Coloring before they start getting in to trouble for standing on their chairs. Or coloring on their face.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 3

This is the beginning of week 3 at home with the girls. Gracie was pretty fussy this morning. I called Wes and told him that she was trying to get me to go back to work. He laughed and said I better not!

We don't really have a big week planned. Yesterday, we went to a birthday party for Alex who turned 7. She is the daughter of one of my former co-workers. It was good to see Stephanie, I've missed her a lot. It was a pool party but Wes and I stayed inside and pretended the pool didn't exist. I decided to make Alex's present and made her a head band with flower and a pony tail holder with flower. It was good to get back to my craftiness!

This morning we went to Ikea with my friend Amy and her sweet girls Reese and Riley. Before we walked out the door, Lizzie had to say good bye to the potties, Molly (dog), Allie (cat) and Leo (cat). Then Gracie was fussy again in the car and Lizzie had to clown around to make Gracie laugh. Its amazing how they are in tune with each other.

On Wednesday Nana comes for a visit. I also have a couple of Melissa activities planned including a lunch with a couple of my former co-workers. I'm very excited!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just documenting....

The girls are at a stage that they are doing so much stuff, I just wanted to note it so we can look back on it later.

  • The girls really love playing in sand, especially Lizzie.
  • They both love their dog Molly. When we leave the house, they have to say goodbye to Molly, Allie and Leo (cats). They both wave really big.
  • The both like to say Hi and Bye to complete strangers. Sometimes they are shy and other times they are very friendly.
  • They love to watch people. It's hard to eat at restaurants because they have to know what everyone is doing.
  • They like to watch us cook.
  • They always want to help. They get very mad if they can't help carry in groceries.
  • Lizzie loves the Wonder Pets and calls they "backpack" (I think because of the cape).
  • Gracie loves to dance. Anytime music comes on she dances.
  • Both girls want ice in their water and like using big girl cups. We are starting to have fewer and fewer spills now.
  • They like to hug each other and are very considerate of each other. When one is upset the other tries to console her.
  • They know when they are good and bad. You can ask if they did something naughty and they are honest.
  • They love to pray at night. They will put their hands together and close their eyes. One time during nap time, I was peeking in and Lizzie had a book, turned the pages, closed the book, said "The End" and then put her hands together said "Amen" and went to sleep.
I guess that's enough for now. I'm sure I will think of more and post that too.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Story Time

Today the girls and I went for an outing. I decided to take the girls to the library for story time. Story time starts at 10:30 sharp (don't be late because you don't get in). The girls and I got there too early and had to wait.

To entertain them, I tried lots of things. We first tried to red a book, but they were not interested. Then we went to the fun looking bench. That lasted until we saw the water outside. I was thinking great, we can watch the water for awhile, until I realized it was the emergency exit and the girls wanted to pull the handle. Gracie and Lizzie then decide to run up and down the aisle. I kept thinking, why am I doing this to myself.

Next, Lizzie runs into a chair and screams. I was really embarrassed. All the other mommies were giving me dirty looks. Finally, 10:30 arrives and the doors open.

The girls hand over their tickets and we go in. They pick the seats and we sit down. We first start with songs and the girls like it. Then the story teller starts reading a book. This looses my girls' interest and they start squirming. I'm thinking this is the longest story ever.

We finally end that story and sing another song. The girls are happy again. Then it's another story, again my girls lose interest. To occupy themselves, the girls start running between me and the wall. Another girl sees this and decides she's going to do it too. Her mom stares at me and gives me dirty looks. Finally after 3 long books and several songs, we move on to the craft. The craft involves a glue stick. So there are tons of kids squished around this table trying to glue down a barn and pig.

I couldn't get out of there fast enough. We will probably go back because the girls enjoyed most of it but I'm not sure about myself.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Visit to OKC

We had an extremely busy week last week. It was week one of me being home with the girls. We spent it in Oklahoma City with my family. Wes had to travel for work so I decided to spend the week with my family.

We had a good week but I was incredibly exhausted. We saw great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and more cousins. The girls loved being with Sydney and Sam. They played in a spray park, they played in the water outside, they played in the sand, and we all sweated in the 100 degree heat!

Before Wes went out of town, we bought a new netbook for me. It's awesome. I downloaded Skype and Picasa and was able to post pictures and web chat with Wes. Two of the mornings, all the kids "called" Wes and they thought it was cool. Now every time I open it up, Lizzie says "Dada, Dada, Dada" thinking she'll see Wes.

I learned that even though you have more help, you are still running crazy after 2 little girls. We also had the dog with us so I was trying to keep track of her. I lost her twice. Fortunately, she is a good dog and stays close to the house.

Grandma and Papa came back with us to babysit while Wes and I went to a wedding. On the way back, Gracie told us that "Nydney at work" and "Am at Work". Those are her names for Sydney and Sam.

Well, now it's time to start week two of being at home. We have a couple of play groups this week and dinner with friends. I'm a little worried but I think I can handle it!

Here's a fun picture of Papa taking the kids for a ride on his tractor. Apparently this is an Oklahoma tradition!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Our Week and Important News

What a week we have had. Monday and Tuesday were normal work/school days for us.

Wednesday was rock n roll day at school and the girls dressed in rocker shirts. Of course I couldn't just buy a couple of t-shirts. I had to get iron ons. The iron ons didn't turn out exactly right so Wes had to cut BORN (for the BORN to Rock shirt) out of fabric and I stitched it on. I made hair clips out of tulle and by the end of the day they only came home with one. Which I figured were pretty good odds. Also, we wanted them to wear their boots but only Gracie would cooperate. That's why Lizzie is wearing the old man socks and shoes.

I know my little girls are angels but the halo effect was because it was very humid the day I took the pictures.Thursday work had a happy hour for me because two and a half weeks ago, I turned in my notice. I am now a stay at home mom! This is something that I have always wanted to do but never thought we'd be in a place to do. But, we decided to be poor and give it a shot. I'm really excited. I can't wait to do fun stuff with the girls! I have been with my company for 9 1/2 years. It was my first job out of grad school.

This is a picture of my best friend at work Stephanie. We have a lot of fun and always had "crafting lunch" where we would create whatever. We were a threesome but Karla (Soap Addict) decided to leave the corporate world in January to start her business. I'm gonna miss you Stephanie!

Friday (today) was my last day of work. Below is the lovely cake that they had for me. I really appreciated all the well wishes. Everyone at work was really sweet and told me they were jealous or that I would never regret the decision. Wes said he was worried because there would be 2 things I would miss dressing up for work and the social interaction. We'll see. Now my choices are flip flops or tennis shoes instead of heels or flats.

I'm looking forward to this next phase of my life and plan on having my girls play with all their multiple friends including Reese and Riley!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Splish, Splash

Today we took the girls to a splash pad in Frisco. It was really nice because I didn't have to put on a bathing suit! We got there mid morning when it opened and it was really nice. There was a breeze and it wasn't too hot. The girls had a blast. It only took a few minutes for Lizzie to warm up and start running around but Gracie was a little more hesitant. Finally, Wes took her through a couple of fountains and she was hooked.
The girls snagged a couple of the other kids toys and were playing in the water. The only issues we had were some dirty looks from some OU fans. Wes was wearing his OSU shirt and the girls were in orange bathing suits!

Playing with other kid's toys

Gracie playing

Playing with another kid's bucket

Gracie liked to sit on the water

Lizzie trying to catch water